MTS (mayumits) Translations

ID Verified
About 8 years ago
English Japanese (Native)
A listing of the public translations that were written by this user. This listing does not include the requests that have yet to be completed.
mayumits English → Japanese ★★★★★ 5.0
Original Text

Pinkmans is a bakery. We might not look like your typical bakery or serve a range of food & drink typical to a bakery, but at the heart of Pinkmans are bakers ovens, bakers and a lot of baking. We bake every day in our open kitchen from early morning to late at night.ou can eat here or takeaway, choose from a counter full of pastries & cakes, sandwiches & salads, or order sourdough wood fired pizza. As well as coffee, tea and fresh juice we are fully licensed to serve wine, beer and cocktails, all served with genuine passion and a sense of fun!


ピンクマンズはパン屋です。典型的なパン屋ではありませんが、一般的なパン屋のように様々な食べ物や飲み物も提供しています。しかしながら、ピンクマンズの最も価値のあるものはパン焼きオーブンであり、パン職人であり、そこで焼き上げられるたくさんのパンです。ピンクマンスでは、毎日早朝から深夜まで、オープンキッチンでパンを焼きます。 お店で食べることも、テイクアウトも可能で、カウンターに並んだたくさんのペストリーやケーキ、サンドイッチ、サラダを選ぶことも、薪で焼き上げるサワー種のピザを注文することも可能です。もちろん、コーヒーや紅茶、フレッシュジュースもあります、また提供を認定されたワインや、ビールカクテルを、心からの情熱と遊び心とともに楽しめます!

mayumits English → Japanese ★★★★☆ 4.0
Original Text

Over a lifetime of work that commute would cost $92,500, money that could otherwise buy a 43m2 house in Bali — the calculator assumes we all want to buy a house in Bali.
Travelling by train five days a week, half-hour each way, from Heidelberg, in Melbourne’s northern suburbs, to Southern Cross station will take up 1.4 years over your working life and lead you to miss out on 6324 movies.
And it will set you back a cool $90,000.
A longer commute, such as the busy run from the NSW Central Coast town of Woy Woy to central Sydney, can lead to more than three hours a day stuck in a train carriage.



mayumits English → Japanese
Original Text

Regarding the food additive , we can import with both A and B because all ingredient of both allowed to use in Viet Nam ,Except C , ingredient has Aluminium Potassium Sulphate – E522 ,E522 did not allow to use in Viet Nam .

So we need your help to supply the proof of Aluminium Potassium Sulphate – E522 ,E522 using in Japan . Based on this proof we have to submit to Food Safety Department (VFA) for checking

When we receive these food additives , we will inform you about shipment details.

Interpreter-Mr Sato , he is busy on 6th August and free on 9th Aug, we are trying to find another one to help us for translation.

We are looking forward to receiving your advice





