MTS (mayumits) Translations

ID Verified
Over 8 years ago
English Japanese (Native)
A listing of the public translations that were written by this user. This listing does not include the requests that have yet to be completed.
mayumits Japanese → English
Original Text

欄間 彫刻欄間「桧 特上彫 松竹梅」2間一組です。







The ranma It is the carving Ranma "Hinoki Premium carving a pine, a bamboo and an apricot tree" . This is a pair.
It was put in the packing flame and is undisplayed item.

It was made by wood with beautiful grain, and put in a lot of time and effort carving "a pine, a bamboo and an apricot tree" . It is very powerful.

It has a warp. I measured as it is.

The size in the flame: width 179cm * height 32cm
It is covered with the cellophane on one side to prevent dust.

It has been kept for long time, so some dust put on it and there are some mark of sticking tape.
Because the shape of flame changed, it was maintained by gummed tape.

This is the Ranma which was expressed by sensitive sense and delicate work.
The thickness is 3-sun(about 9cm) and you must be feeling deep impression from the 3D carving on the both sides.

mayumits English → Japanese
Original Text

Is there anything we can offer you to retain you as a member with our company? Would you consider staying with us as our customer if I switched you to a Basic Account and waived the setup fees? With Basic Account you can keep your account open without having to pay further annual or monthly fees.

If you choose to keep your account open as a Basic Account rather than cancelling your account, you can avoid incurring the setup fee to re-open your account if and when you choose to use our services again in the future without having to pay a setup fee to reinstate your account.

I look forward to hearing from you. We have left your account open pending your reply.



