まるこめ (marukome) Translations

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About 10 years ago Female 40s
Japanese (Native) English German
A listing of the public translations that were written by this user. This listing does not include the requests that have yet to be completed.
marukome English → Japanese
Original Text

⑦1738 is situated on the 1st floor of Boswells Department Store ,in the centre of Oxford . Established in 1738 , Boswells is the oldest family owned Department Store in the world . The Tea Room caters for breakfast, lunch or more famously for its renowned English Afternoon Tea for 2 . Summertime also sees a Picnic in a basket available at your table .
⑧Exclusive Pan-Asian restaurant in the heart of London. Nirvana Kitchen bring all Asian flavours and textures together in one place. The menu is well balanced, featuring lighter vegetarian and shellfish starters, dishes are paired with an exclusive selection of wines and signature cocktails to make your gastronomic experience all the more memorable.


⑦1738はオックスフォードの中央にあるボズウェル百貨店の1階にあります。 1738年に創立されたボズウェルは世界最古の家族経営の百貨店です。ティールームは朝食にランチ、またはさらに有名な2名用の名高い英国アフタヌーンティーを提供します。サマータイムにはテーブルでご利用頂けるバスケットのピクニックも提供しております。
⑧ロンドン中心部にある汎アジア高級レストランです。ニルバーナキッチンは一皿にアジアの風味と食感を同時にもたらします。 メニューはバランスよく、軽めのベジタリアン料理や貝のスターターを特徴とし、料理にはセレクトされた高級ワインや名高きカクテルが付き、グルメな経験をさらに忘れがたいものとさせてくれるでしょう。

marukome English → Japanese
Original Text

Meejana is an authentic, contemporary Lebanese restaurant serving a wide selection of traditional mezze (small dishes) as well as contemporary main courses from the owners family recipes. We use only high quality ingredients and fresh produce for true Lebanese dining.

Mezze is a large selection of small dishes shared between the guests. A typical mezze might consist of around thirty carefully selected dishes, both hot and cold. Main courses combine the best memories from family dinners and traditional Lebanese dishes.

We have a broad beer and wine list, with many spirits including sake.

Awarded the TripAdvisor Certificate of Excellence in 2016.






marukome English → Japanese
Original Text

The Truth About What's Really in Your Food Might Shock You
I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but the sushi you had for dinner last week might have been just as fake as Cheez Whiz. A lot of the foods you're eating might not be as wholesome as you think they are, actually. That's exactly what writer Larry Olmsted spends nearly 300 pages discussing in his new book, Real Food/Fake Food: Why You Don't Know What You're Eating and What You Can Do About It. Without going into too many spoilers (I'll leave some disappointment for you to discover on your own, and I highly recommend reading), I wanted to highlight some of the most common foods in the book.


悪い知らせを伝えるのは嫌ですが、先週夕食に食べたお寿司はチーズフィズのように偽物だったかもしれません。食べている多くの食べ物は、あなたが思うほど実際は健康的ではない可能性があります。このことを著者ラリー・オルムステッド氏は自身の新著作 本当の食べ物と偽物の食べ物:あなたはなぜ食べている物のことを知らないのか、またそれに対しできることの中でまさに約300ページを割きました。あまりたくさん情報を出さずに(ご自身でみつけて頂くために少しがっかりさせておきます、ぜひ読んでください。)本の中で最もありふれた食品をいくつかご紹介したいと思います。