まるこめ (marukome) Translations

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About 10 years ago Female 40s
Japanese (Native) English German
A listing of the public translations that were written by this user. This listing does not include the requests that have yet to be completed.
marukome English → Japanese ★★★★★ 5.0
Original Text


I\'m sorry for writing in English
as unfortunately I do not speak Japanese. I am interested
in purchasing pants for my online store in Australia.

I need the traditional style farmer or gardening pants with
elastic waistband, elastic ankle, and reinforced knees.

I had a look on your website and the styles I would like are
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the differences between the styles are.

Am I able to order a sample?

What are your minimum order quantities and prices?

Are you able to send English language descriptions of the

Thank you for your consideration.









marukome English → Japanese ★★★★★ 5.0
Original Text

Thus, in the metaphysis of aa-def tibia, osteoblasts
tended to detach from the bone matrix, and many
osteoblasts and fibroblast-like cells in the fibrous tissue
layer showed enlarged rER, indicating the accumulation
of organic materials inside the rER.

[Matrix mineralization in the ascorbic acid-deficient bone]

Bone mineralization in the primary trabeculae close
to the chondro-osseous junction was examined by
calcein labeling, and aa-def bones showed a small
amount of bone deposition onto mineralized cartilage
(Compare insets of Figs. 3A, B).
Bone matrix
could be seen surrounding the cartilage cores of primary
trabeculae in aa+ rats (Fig. 3A),whereas aadef
cartilage was often seen without a surrounding
bone matrix (Fig. 3B).




軟骨結合部に近い主要小柱の骨ミネラル化はカルセイン ラベルによって調査され,aa-def骨はミネラル化した軟骨上に少量の骨沈殿を示した。(図3A,Bの挿入図を比較してください)

marukome English → Japanese ★★★★★ 5.0
Original Text


To our knowledge,
this is the first report on
the ultrastructural
properties of collagen mineralization in
ascorbic acid-deficient bones.
Despite a marked reduction
in bone formation, ascorbic acid
seemed to have no deleterious effect on
while reduced in number, normal
matrix vesicles
and mineralized nodules could be seen in aadef
bones. Theoretically, the “hole zone” in
fibrils should be occupied by small proteoglycans
such as decorin and biglycan (10, 13), and the
of these proteoglycans may trigger crystal nucleation
in collagen.In aa-def bones, the presence
of very fine fibrillar and
amorphous materials indicated
alterations of the ultrastructural geometry of
collagen fibrils,



marukome English → Japanese ★★★★★ 5.0
Original Text

implying the absence or disruption
of the hole zones.
Nevertheless, as shown here, fine
needle-like mineral crystals extending from
the mineralized
nodules were associated with fine collagenous
fibrillar materials. This finding suggests that
these fine collagenous fibrillar
structures may serve
as a scaffold for collagen mineralization.
As reported previously (14, 30), aa-def rats had
abnormal bone histology:
the presence of a fibrous
tissue layer in tibial metaphyses,
osteoblastic cells
detaching from bone surfaces, and osteoblasts that
possessed rounded rER locating close to
the chondro-
osseous junction are all rather peculiar findings.
These histological observations appear to
be consistent with those by Sakamoto et al. (30),


穴領域の欠乏もしくは崩壊を含む。にもかかわらず、ここに示されているように、ミネラル化した小塊から拡張している微細な針状のミネラルの結晶が微細コラーゲンの小繊維物質に結合していた。この結果は、この微細コラーゲンの小繊維構造は、コラーゲンのミネラル化の骨格の役割をしている可能性があるということを示している。以前報告したように、(14,30)、aa-def ネズミは異常な骨の微細構造をしていた。つまり、脛骨骨幹の線維組織層や骨表面から分離している造骨細胞、また軟骨結節部の近位にある曲線状のrERをもった造骨細胞は全て特異な結果である。これらの微細構造観察はサカモト氏及びその他の者の観察結果と一致しているようである。

marukome English → Japanese ★★★★★ 5.0
Original Text

and probably
indicate reduced osteoblastic function. Ascorbic
acid is required for prolyl hydroxylase activity, a
rER enzyme that hydroxylates proline residues in
the nascent procollagen chains and allows folding of
the chains into a stable triple helix (7, 25). In our
study, osteoblasts with round rER indicate that
ascorbic acid deficiency might inhibit prolyl hydroxylation
of proline in collagen, and consequently, accumulation
of abnormal collagenous α-helices may
result in the enlarged rER as seen in Fig. 2E.
Also,the amorphous and/or fibrillar materials associated
with the fibroblastic cells and osteoblasts seen in
Figs. 2F and 3D, respectively, may be the same
structure and suggest that these fibroblastic



marukome English → Japanese ★★★★★ 5.0
Original Text

3D, aa-def bone matrices were composed
by fibrillar and amorphous collagenous materials
and, at least theoretically, the normal hole
zones should be either absent or disrupted. Finding
alterations of the ultrastructural geometry of collagen
fibrils and normal bone mineralization in the
circumstance of ascorbic acid deficiency was rather
unexpected. As shown in Fig. 5F, fine needle-like
mineral crystals extending from mineralized nodules
neighbored fine collagenous fibrillar materials. Therefore,
we hypothesize that mineralization in collagen
may not occur at the hole zones in well assembled
collagen fibrils, but may occur instead on the fine
collagenous fibrillar structures that serve as a scaffold
for crystal growth. 



marukome English → Japanese ★★★★★ 5.0
Original Text

cells may be secreting incomplete collagenous
triple helices.
Yet, the thin calcein labeling
implicated a small amount of bone deposition
close to the
chondro-osseous junction in the aa-def group.
In this study, as with the previous report (30), the
synthesis of collagen fibrils seemed to be negatively
affected by ascorbic acid deficiency.
Ascorbic acid has been shown to increase ALPase
activity and stimulate expression of osteoblastic
hallmarks and production of both type I collagen
and parathyroid hormone (PTH)/PTH-related peptide
receptor (11, 12, 22, 32, 33, 38).
In addition, collagen
molecules may be involved in interaction with
the α2β1 integrins borne by osteoblasts,


しかし、薄いカルセイン ラベルは、aa-defグループの軟骨結合部に近い、少量の骨沈殿物を関連づけた。

marukome English → Japanese ★★★★☆ 4.0
Original Text

which may inhibit the nucleation of mineral crystals
in a normal state.
It has been shown that decorindeficient
tendons develop abnormal, irregularly
contoured collagen fibrils, indicating that small leucine-
rich proteoglycans such as biglycan, decorin,
fibromodulin, and lumican, as well as glycoproteins
are involved in collagen fibril strucutral maturation
and tissue function (8, 39). Sanches et al. suggested
that the absence of decorin disturbs the lateral assembling
of thin fibrils, resulting in thicker, irregular
collagen fibrils (31). Biglycan/decorin doubleknockout
mice are markedly osteopenic, with a
complete loss of the basic fibril geometry characterized
by a “serrated fibril” morphology (6). As
shown in Fig.

