Mars16 (mars16) Translations

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A listing of the public translations that were written by this user. This listing does not include the requests that have yet to be completed.
mars16 English → Japanese
Original Text

Farmville was not unique in its idea, but was unique in its ability to execute, simply and elegantly, the well-trodden territory of a resource accumulation game. As with Shockley’s transistor, iterations rather than innovations significantly accelerated the development process, leading to a successful product release.

The Sharing Economy’s Iterative Winners

For many start-ups, the confluence of iterative product development and sound execution leads to success—not the initial idea. As James Hong, co-founder of Hot or Not and an angel investor, said to me, “Winners in Silicon Valley are not necessarily more innovative, but they are the ones that execute.”




多くのスタートアップにとって、製品開発の反復と健全な実行力が成功をもたらす。決して当初のアイデアではない。Hot or Notの共同設立者であるJames Hong氏は「シリコンバレーでの勝者は必ずしもイノベーティブな方ばかりではありません。実行することのできる人たちなのです」と私に述べた。

mars16 English → Japanese
Original Text

For example, the company AirBnB was not the first online short-term housing rental service. Among others, VRBO launched in 1996 (which Homeaway acquired in 2006), Couchsurfing.orglaunched in 1999, and Craigslist had a long history of matching apartment renters with sub lessors. However, AirBnB was successful, not because of the tweaked idea (a network of bed and breakfasts), but rather, because of a series of small iterations, from a well-designed interface, to a low-barrier of entry that opened up a new ‘passive’ marketplace, to a system of accountability that forced rapid responses to solve the asymmetry problem that continues to plague sites such as Craigslist.


例えばAirBnBは、初めてのオンライン短期自宅レンタルサービス会社ではなかった。この業界ではVRBOが1996年にローンチ (後にHomeaway が2006年に買収)したほか、Couchsurfing.orgは1999年にローンチ、そしてCraigslistはアパートの借り手と貸し手をマッチングさせるサービスで長い歴史を有していた。それにもかかわらずAirBnBは成功した。その理由は些細なアイデア(ベッドと朝食のネットワーク)ではない。小さな反復の繰り返しがその理由である。 そこには良くデザインされたインターフェースから、新たに「受動的な」マーケットプレイスに開かれた敷居の低い入り口、そしてCraigslistなどのサイトの悩みの種となっていた非対称性の問題を迅速に解決させる説明責任のシステムがあった。

mars16 English → Japanese ★★★★★ 5.0
Original Text

How a musician-turned-entrepreneur built a company that generates over $400 million per year

In Japan, people in the IT industry will have heard of Koki Sato (pictured above), CEO & President at Septeni Holdings.

A law graduate of Rikkyo University Japan, Sato chose a path different from most of his fellow law students. Forgoing a career as a lawyer, he chose to pursue music. Of course, he still had bills to pay, so after graduation he worked at a traditional HR company called Septeni while doing music in his free time. Like most salarymen, he was just an average Joe in the company, and he immersed himself in the world of music while off the clock.



日本でIT業界にいる人ならKoki Sato (写真は上)というSepteniホールディングスのCEO兼社長をご存知だろう。

日本の立教大学法学部を卒業したSato氏は多くの同窓生とは異なる進路に進んだ。 弁護士としてのキャリアを諦めた後、音楽の道を究めることにした。 当然ながら彼にはまだ返済しなくてはいけない金額があったので、卒業後はSepteniという伝統のある人材開発会社に勤める一方で自由時間には音楽をしていた。会社の中では、彼は他のサラリーマン同様、平均的な社員であったが、退社後は音楽の世界に没頭していた。

mars16 English → Japanese
Original Text


Company Brief: Luxor Elec GmbH is a reputed Germany based importer committed to the World`s telecommunication markets. The major activity of the company focuses mainly on the import of Computers, Computer parts,Ram Memory, sdram, sodimm, flash memory devices etc.
We are interested to Import computers and parts
Please confirm if you can assist supply us above products.

Send me please some web site to check or fit my preferences to your products. I think about individual purchase of some electronic Kawai piano.

We are from India and we have a beach office in japan we are intersted in your offer please advise us how to move further.



企業概要: Luxor Elec社は、ドイツを拠点とする評判の高い輸入事業者で、 世界の電気通信市場にコミットしています。 この会社の主たる業務はコンピュータ、コンピュータ部品、RAMメモリ、 SDRAM、ソジウム、フラッシュメモリ機器などの輸入です。



mars16 English → Japanese
Original Text

Nashangban’s Michael Han tells us that the site has seen over 4,000 companies and organizations posting tech jobs, and 38,000 people have so far signed up so as to send their details to prospective employers. It claims to be the top jobs site in this specialist area.

The startup job portal also stands out by not being ridiculously ugly. That’s the default state of China’s online jobs sites – see Zhaopin if your eyes can handle such an assault – with a wall of text and blinking GIF logos. Nashangban’s iPhone app is elegant as well, and even lets job seekers store and attach a range of documents.


NashangbanのMichael Han氏によれば、このサイトには4,000 を超える企業や団体が技術系の求人を投稿し、38,000人が見込みのある求人企業に自身の詳細情報を送れるよう登録をしたという。この専門分野の求人サイトとしては最大手であるという。


mars16 English → Japanese
Original Text

Other stats of note

Here’s a few other interesting observations from the App Annie Index:

・Japanese publisher GungHo Online and its game Puzzles and Dragons are the top-earning publisher and app in the world, respectively (merchandising not included).

・South Korea bumped the UK off the podium to be the third-highest earning country in app revenue.

・China’s Alipay was the second most-downloaded payment app in the world, despite skewed China rankings.

・Outside of games, three Chinese publishers made the top ten most-downloaded app publishers: Sungy Mobile (third), Tencent (eighth), and Baidu (tenth).

Beijing- and US-based analytics firm App Annie is used by over 350,000 apps to track downloads, revenues, and rankings.



以下は、App Annie Indexからの興味深い情報の一例である。

・日本のパブリッシャーGungHo Onlineと同社のゲームであるパズドラ(Puzzles and Dragons)はそれぞれ世界で最も収益をあげたパブリッシャー、アプリである (キャラクター商品は含まない)。



・ゲーム以外では、中国のパブリッシャー3社がトップ10の一角を占めた。Sungy Mobile (第3位)、Tencent (第8位) 、Baidu (第10位)。

北京と米国を拠点とする分析会社App Annieは35万を超えるアプリで活用されており、ダウンロード、収益、ランキングを追跡している。