Makoto Mori (makotomori26) Translations

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Almost 11 years ago
English Japanese (Native)
A listing of the public translations that were written by this user. This listing does not include the requests that have yet to be completed.
makotomori26 English → Japanese ★★☆☆☆ 2.0
Original Text

3. Sharing breeds sharers…and donors

Everyone wants more donors and our data shows us that donors who share are even more valuable. One in five donation shares result in another donation, and one in ten shares result in another share. So each sharer brings in not only more donations, but also more people and therefore more leads.

4. Mobile users share twice as much as desktop users

If donors who share are more valuable than those who don’t, then mobile users are the cream of the crop, as they share even more. This demonstrates how social and mobile are inextricably linked and highlights the importance of integrating social and mobile tools into your campaigns in order to increase the impact and their success.





makotomori26 English → Japanese ★☆☆☆☆ 1.0
Original Text

Is it an investment, or savings vehicle?

Yes, it can be both. But it is risky to buy Bitcoin and hold them as an asset class. There are a fixed number of Bitcoin that will ever be mined. It’s capped at 21 million, with about 12 million currently available, and the rest to be mined over the next 100 years. It is deflationary in nature since demand is steadily increasing. This means that all things being equal, the value of a Bitcoin should rise relative to fiat (government issued) currencies. However, all things aren’t equal, and the price at which you buy Bitcoin may be at a high or low point during a correction.




makotomori26 English → Japanese ★★☆☆☆ 2.0
Original Text

Soon afterwards the king died, and control of the nation was disputed between his sons and the Greeks, who numbered more than ten thousand. They met in battle, and the Greeks were victorious. Archelaus, the heir [of Herodes], sailed to Rome with his other brothers, to claim his whole kingdom, and he urged Nicolaus to sail with him. Nicolaus had already decided to retire to private life, because he was about 60 years old. Nevertheless, he joined in the voyage, but he found that everywhere was full of Archelaus' critics. On the one hand, his younger brother was making a rival bid for the throne, and on the other hand all his other relatives were critical of Archelaus, without supporting the younger brother.



makotomori26 English → Japanese
Original Text

Hi, The German post is a big big company and so slow in their reaction. I contacted them now several times and they promised me to take care about the delivery. But when I now look to the status, it seems that it is unfortunately in the export back to Japan. But there it also is already some days. I hate the german post... What can we do, if the parcel is really shipped back? I think to keep also my money safe, we have to transfer it back? I had a similar case, where at the end ebay said, now it is too late and I lost a lot of money... After this we could make the buying procedure again, coordinated, and give it another try? Or do you have another solution?


やあ、The German postは大きな会社で反応がとても遅いんだ。今彼らに何回か連絡をとって、彼らは運送に関して注意を払うと約束してくれた。しかし、今状況を見たところ、残念ながら荷物は日本へ送り返されている途中のようなんだ。しかもすでに数日経っている。もし小包が本当に送り返されているなら、我々に何ができるだろう。私は自分のお金を安全にしておくことも考えているが、我々は小包を送り返さなければならないのだろうか。以前にも似たケースがあった、そのとき最終的にebayが言った事ところによると、現在は私はすでに手遅れで多くのお金を失ったということだ。この後、私たちは購入手続きをもう一度行い、手はずを整えそしてもう一度試してみるべきだろうか。それともあなたは何か他の解決方法を持っているか。