Maki (luvmaki1101) Translations

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Over 10 years ago Female
United States
Japanese (Native) English
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A listing of the public translations that were written by this user. This listing does not include the requests that have yet to be completed.
luvmaki1101 English → Japanese
Original Text

I cannot get Tour Issue Matrix shafts as they are not for sale. They are the exact same shaft, but the tour shafts just say RESALE on them because they are not meant to be sold. The shaft is not any different.

I cannot lower the price any. I am always giving you discount and the best price that I can. Any lower and I do not make any money on these. I cannot even buy them as a dealer for the price that you are asking. So, it will be $850 per shaft regardless of how many you purchase as they are very expensive even for dealer cost pricing.

Do you have any customers who are interested in any products that aren't so old? Why not any of the new stuff which is much better and more profitable for you to sell as well?


Tour Issue Matrix shafts は「再販」とは書かれていますが、販売用では無いため、ご用意が出来ません。

残念ながら、これ以上のディスカウントは出来ません。通常、御社には、最安値でご提供させて頂いております。これ以上のディスカウントでは、弊社に利益が無くなってしまいます。ディーラーである弊社でも、御社がご提案されている値段では、購入は不可能です。ディーラー特別価格でも高価な物になりますので、購入本数に関わらず、Shaft 1本につき$850となります。


luvmaki1101 English → Japanese ★★☆☆☆ 2.0
Original Text

Thank you for response. But, the return label indicates that the item has to be returned to Japan and postage has to be paid therefore, it may not be worth for me to send it. I would love if I can return it to a USA address.

9 days and this order is probably not shipped out yet!

I do not have time to wait for you to check.
If you want me to believe you shipped out my order, then please show me the shipping receipt or customs label with the tracking number ●JP.
Otherwise like you said, please ship out my order fast or cancel my order because a late birthday gift will be pointless!
I really do not want to call Amazon and tell them you are stealing customer's money and providing fake tracking numbers.



