Lissette R. Marte Cabrera (lissymarte) Translations

ID Verified
Over 10 years ago Female 40s
Dominican Republic
English (Native) Italian Japanese Spanish
60 hours / week
Contact Freelancer
A listing of the public translations that were written by this user. This listing does not include the requests that have yet to be completed.
lissymarte English → Japanese ★★★★☆ 4.0
Original Text

Please indicate which of the following is included in the Conflicts of Interest Policy. (Select all that apply)
Declaration of interests
Conflict management
Conflict logging
Staff requirements
Other (Provide additional comments)
Please confirm you are not aware of a potential or actual conflict of interest which may impact the delivery of services under this engagement
Please confirm you have an Incentive Compensation Policy and/or sufficient oversight and controls in place to ensure any incentive compensation arrangements specific to the product/service being provided to State Street are appropriate (e.g., result in reputational damage, increased litigation, or other risks to the financial institution).



State Streetへ提供される製品/サービスに特有のインセンティブ報酬の取り決めが適切であることを確認するため、インセンティブ報酬ポリシーと/または十分な監督とコントロールがあることを確認してください(例:信用失墜、訴訟増加、または金融機関へのその他のリスクをもたらす)。

lissymarte English → Japanese
Original Text

Please confirm you are not aware of a potential or actual conflict of interest which may impact the delivery of services under this engagement
Please confirm you have an Incentive Compensation Policy and/or sufficient oversight and controls in place to ensure any incentive compensation arrangements specific to the product/service being provided to A company are appropriate (e.g., result in reputational damage, increased litigation, or other risks to the financial institution).
Please indicate if you have a process for receiving and addressing complaints from the following sources (Select all that apply). Additionally, please upload supporting policy/procedure.




以下の情報源からの苦情を受け付け、対処するプロセスがあるかどうかを示してください(該当するものをすべて選択)。 さらに、関連するポリシーおよび手順をアップロードしてください。

lissymarte English → Japanese
Original Text

A company expects the service providers with whom we interact to bear a responsibility to define their own policies with regard to human rights and ethics. We publish key policy statements on our website. Which of the following corporate ethics policies does your organization have?
Code of Conduct / Ethics
Anti-harassment/discrimination policy
Modern Slavery and Human Trafficking Policy
Health and Safety Policy
Accessibility Policy or Standards
Do you have an environmental sustainability policy? If so, please share it or describe in the comments.
Do you have environmental goals/targets for emissions or other areas? If so, please share them or describe in the comments including strategies for reducing emissions.



行動規範 / 倫理
ハラスメント / 差別防止方針

lissymarte English → Japanese
Original Text

Do you report regularly on environmental efforts for your company? If so, please share your most recent report or describe in comments, noting if you use any frameworks like SASB, TCFD or GRI.
Does your company have sufficient policies or frameworks, systems and processes to conduct appropriate oversight of subcontractors to ensure compliance with applicable laws, regulations, and supervisory guidance? If yes, please describe such systems and processes in the comments.
Does your Vendor Risk Management Framework or Policy include ongoing monitoring on a periodic basis?





lissymarte English → Japanese ★★★★★ 5.0
Original Text

Dear Client ,
We are really sorry that for some reason you are not satisfied!
In order to answer your request you can find inside the attachment of this message the following photos:
- photo with the ZIND and product number underline in red. You can google the code AA to see on internet that this is the same product
- you can switch ON the NFC on your phone and put it over the label as shown on the photo. There will be a link that you have to push over and you will be able to check the authenticity of the product direct to the MONDO website (check website address) . You can do the same over the logo badge.
The custom charges are related to the price of the DHL shipping and not the product price.
We can make a refund!



- 赤で下線が引かれたZINDと製品番号の写真。このコード「AA」でインターネットで検索すると、同じ製品であることが確認できます。
- 携帯電話のNFC機能をONにし、写真に表示されたラベルの上にかざします。リンクが表示され、それをクリックすると、製品の正規性を直接MONDOのウェブサイト(ウェブサイトアドレスをご確認ください)で確認できます。また、ロゴのバッジでも同じことができます。

lissymarte English → Japanese
Original Text

On those private sale you have two invoices – one with the full price (for reference) and the second one with the discount and the final price to pay after the discount on the sale. The second invoice is confidential.
- The items were exported outside Europe trough DHL with official documents and tracking number we can have a refund of the VAT .
- We just start to sell we need to build a strong profile with many followers and the way to do this is using quick and professional delivery trough DHL and offering a good prices.
For your reference the first 2 sales were already delivered to the customers and the next ones are in stock and ready to be send after your official confirmation!
Best regards!


- 商品は正式な書類と追跡番号のあるDHLでヨーロッパ外に輸出されました。
- 私たちはちょうど私たちは多くのフォロワーと強力なプロファイルを構築する必要があり、これを行うための方法は、迅速かつプロフェッショナルなDHLトラフ配信を使用して、良い価格を提供している販売し始める。