Kyohei KIKUTA (kyo_) Translations

ID Unverified
Over 12 years ago
Japanese (Native) English
A listing of the public translations that were written by this user. This listing does not include the requests that have yet to be completed.
kyo_ English → Japanese
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As the 3rd Startup Weekend held in Taiwan and the 2nd for Taipei, Startup Weekend Taiwan has caught many’s attention with many neat ideas and excellent teams emerging during the event, here’re the winners from the latest event.

1st place: Advintage (

Advintage aims to put the right wines in the hands of the right customers, by sending sample boxes that narrow your tastes over time by using a clever algorithm. The judges all believed that if they can pull this off it’s a massive market, and being in Taiwan is perfect as we are the world’s third largest importer of vino.



第1位: Advintage (

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Will Japan’s Social Gaming Industry Get Regulated? My Perspective [Social Games]

Japan’s social gaming industry in general, and its current 800-pound gorilla GREE in particular, are getting a lot of bad press at the moment. Social games were never viewed in a positive light to begin with in this country, but things started to get really ugly a few months ago.

I personally see three reasons for this development:
a) the fact that both GREE and DeNA have been making a lot of money as of late
b) the emergence of real money-based, off-platform trading of virtual items
c) the gacha mechanism used in many social games in Japan





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To improve your chance of succeeding, entrepreneurs need to be picky with investors. Don’t get lured by cash and high valuations. More often then not, it is the connections and the experience of your investors that will make or break your dreams, especially in your first startup attempt. That said, not everything should rely on the investors, and entrepreneurs need to work hard and execute well.

I find that in Asia there’s an imbalance of power between investors and the startups. Investors ask questions like: What experience do you have? What’s your business model? Your break-even point?




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But entrepreneurs need to start asking some questions about investors too. A few of the more important questions:

How can you help my startup?
What is your experience?
How would you fit into my expansion plans?

If the investors get flustered with some simple questions, walk away. You know that he is being an ass. Consider inform the community as well so that others can avoid him in the future. The handful of investors who I personally like tend to speak to entrepreneurs like a friend. They don’t have any hint of a snobbish attitude or what I call the I-have-the-money-face.





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Facebook Buys Instagram, Tencent Made an ‘Instagram’

The biggest news on the tech startup radar is of course Facebook’s enormous acquisition of mobile photo sharing app, Instagram for US$1 Billion in cash and stock.

It doesn’t really surprise me that Facebook bought Instagram because I heard Facebook’s CTO Bret Taylor at Mobile World Congress reiterate that the future of Facebook is in mobile.

Instagram’s exit is amazing given that the company is only made up of a few people and has amassed a user base of 30 million plus continues to be one of the most downloaded photo apps ever.


FacebookがInstagramを買収 一方Tencentは'Instagram'をつくった

技術系スタートアップのレーダーが反応する最大のビッグニュースと言えばもちろん、Facebookがモバイル写真共有アプリ Instagramを10億ドルもの莫大な現金及び株式交換で獲得する、というものだろう。

もっとも私はFacebookがInstagramを買うということにはそれほど驚かなかった。私はFacebookのCTO、Mobile World Congress の Bret Taylor が何度もFacebookの未来はモバイルにあると言っていたのを聞いていたからだ。

Instagram のこの結末は、この会社がたった数人の社員ながら3000万人のユーザー基盤を蓄積し、これまで最もダウンロードされた写真アプリの一つであり続けていることを考えれば驚くべきことである。

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Flight online booking site has more than tripled its annual revenues to $192 million in 2011. The online site sold half a million airline tickets last year. It recently added online hotel booking. Back in 2008, Anywayanyday raised $10 million in venture capital from Tiger Global. What is next for Anywayanyday? It could very well IPO very soon.


With a $30 million new funding from Tiger and Russian investors, strives to become the leading online shopping mall in Russia. It invests in own fulfilment centers to be a preferred option for small and medium-sized Russian online merchants.



オンライン航空予約サイトのAnywayanyday.comは2011年、年間収益をそれまでの3倍以上の1億9200万ドルにまで増収した。本サイトでは昨年1年間で50万件以上の航空チケットを販売しているのだ。最近ではさらにホテル予約もできるようになっている。Anywayanydayは2008年にTiger Globalから1000万ドルの資金調達を受けている。Anywayanydayの次の展開は何であろうか?Anywayanydayは間もなく、優良な新規公開株となるかもしれない。



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" Gashapon is a Bandai brand trademark widely used throughout the world for their capsule toys. It is also referred to as gachapon. Both gashapon and gachapon are Japanese onomatopoeia, made up of two sounds: “gasha” or “gacha” for the turning of a crank on a toy vending machine, and “pon” for the sound of the toy capsule dropping into the receptacle.

It is used to describe both the machines themselves, and any toy obtained from them.

Gashapon machines are similar to the coin-operated toy vending machines seen outside of grocery stores and other retailers in other countries."





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A while ago, Japanese social game providers started turning those little toy vending machines found in real life into a social game mechanic – today, virtual gacha are an integral part of nearly every title on Mobage, GREE, and Mixi.

Take Konami’s Dragon Collection, for example. In this game, the gacha machine is visualized as a statue, and the virtual item to be obtained is a card (Dragon Collection is a social card battle game):

Some companies started implementing virtual gacha machines into existing games, after realizing how popular the concept is.


もうかなり前のことだが、日本のソーシャルゲームプロバイダーはそのリアル世界に存在する小さなオモチャの自動販売機をソーシャルゲームに取り入れた ―そして今日では、バーチャルなガチャはMobageやGREE、Mixiのほとんどすべてのゲームタイトルにおいて不可欠な要素になっている。

