kirschbluete Translations

ID Verified
About 15 years ago
Japanese (Native) German
A listing of the public translations that were written by this user. This listing does not include the requests that have yet to be completed.
kirschbluete English → Japanese
Original Text

You have a boss, and the way you interact with your boss will be a strong factor in how your employees believe they should interact with you. This is true whether or not you like your boss, your boss works to develop you, or you get along with your boss.
If you can show enthusiasm, not complain about the decisions that your boss makes regarding your work, and treat your boss with the respect that the position deserves, those who work for you will see that you are living out the very things that you are encouraging them to live out.

Famous models
This entire concept is seen throughout our society when we talk about movie stars, politicians, and athletes as role models for kids.




kirschbluete English → Japanese
Original Text

Overall, we’ve been quite pleasantly surprised. We’re also very pleasantly surprised with how the Singapore government and the various entities make it easy for you to set up here in Singapore and then be able to do business all over Southeast Asia. For that reason, we have a few companies that are now headquartered here.

Yes, we heard a lot of talk about Singapore’s government initiatives today at Startups in Asia (Singapore).

Many people across various Singapore government agencies have been super helpful to us. I think that’s probably a very big enabler, so kudos to them.





kirschbluete English → Japanese
Original Text

Second, you will set a precedent in your budget for the years to come. The first year of budgeting is often the most difficult. By getting some money now, you will probably be able to get more money in the future. Finally, within a year or two, you will set a standard that other areas of the company will have to live up to. If you begin to have the best trained, most productive employees in the firm, others will have to try to catch up with you. And you'll be positioned as a strong leader and a trendsetter.
Best of all, as these things all begin to form and take shape, your employees will see that you really do believe in them and their abilities. Having faith in them is a very strong motivator.




kirschbluete English → Japanese
Original Text

Being too firm or aggressive with an employee who already is driven to succeed and has very high standards is running the very real risk of making that employee feel that he has little value and that you don't trust him, both of which will lead to a lack of motivation, at least in the short term.
In dealing with the latter kind of employee, you must recognize that when she has made a mistake or 'allowed something to go astray, she doesn't need you to drive the point home. She needs you to point out the problem and let her deal with it. You don't excuse what she has done; you don't let things slide. But you deal with each person as an individual.



kirschbluete English → Japanese
Original Text

One great pitfall of communicating details of assignments or asking for certain types of work to be done is
neglecting to set firm deadlines. You fail to tell employees when you would like to have the project completed. It may be an oversight on your part, you may not even be sure when you need something done, or you may assume that they know when it must be done, so the deadline is fuzzy or not stated finally and clearly.

Avert frustration
This fuzziness can create an enormous amount of frustration for you and your employees. If they know that some-thing is important and needs to be done by Friday, they generally will get it done by Friday.




kirschbluete English → Japanese
Original Text

In this way you will be able to give public recognition to an employee for an extended period of time.
And visitors vendors, workers from other areas of the company, and executives from other parts of the building will be able to see the achievements of your workers and congratulate them.

A caution
Some words of caution here. Be consistent in making these awards. Do not expect one or two months to make all the difference you hope it will. Also, as you continue to make the awards, make the standards move up gradually. Finally, don't feel that everyone in the area must receive the award. An award for extraordinary work is just that, not a rotating award until everyone has a chance.


