Kenji Yoshida (kenz_yoshida) Translations

ID Unverified
Over 12 years ago
Los Angeles
Japanese (Native) English
A listing of the public translations that were written by this user. This listing does not include the requests that have yet to be completed.
kenz_yoshida English → Japanese
Original Text

For ambitious workers who dream of one day becoming a chief executive officer, they should know that it may not be all they expect it to be. According to a poll of 83 CEOs in the United States, conducted by management consulting firm RHR International, being the boss brought with it feelings of isolation and job requirements that varied greatly from their original expectations.
While 87% of CEOs felt they were prepared for the demands of the position, 54 percent of respondents reported that the requirements of being a CEO were different then they expected. Those numbers only increased when looking at first-time c-suite executives. According to the research, 91% of first-time CEOs felt they were prepared…



kenz_yoshida English → Japanese
Original Text

for the position, but 72% reported the actual expectations of the job being different than they had anticipated.
Another challenge for many CEOs comes from the isolation that the position brings. According to the survey, 50% of CEOs felt secluded in the position and of this group, 61% felt that this seclusion was a hindrance to their performance. Not surprisingly, first-time CEOs were more negatively affected by this loneliness, with 70% reporting that it hurt them in their ability to do their job.
"This is not uncommon," said Thomas Saporito, chairman and CEO at RHR International. "Stress, pressure and loneliness all combine to create a job unlike any other they have previously had."


「これは決して非常識ではない。」とRHRインターナショナルのCEO会長のトーマス サポリートが言う。「ストレス、プレッシャー、そして孤独は全て彼らが事前に経験した他の仕事には馬出されないものである。」

kenz_yoshida English → Japanese
Original Text

PAGE 44-3
•Lead technology to shape the future.
Although Microsoft is not a prodigious inventor, it has always been extremely adept at taking good ideas, developing them and making them into commercially successful products. In fact, Gates does not necessarily rate people who are obsessed with original solutions to problems. Most people only have one brilliant idea in their entire lifetimes, he says. He believes that most solutions already exist somewhere and simply have to be identified. This, he has claimed, is his own great talent. Gates has also proved willing to use Microsoft's muscle to champion new technologies such as multimedia which then shape the future.



kenz_yoshida English → Japanese
Original Text

PAGE 44-2
•Start young.
Gates' love affair with computers began when he was at school. At that time, few schools could afford to provide their students with access to a computer. But Lakeside, the school he attended, was an exception. Gates made his first deal in the computer business at the tender age of 13 when he agreed to look for software bugs in return for free computer time.

•Invest more than anyone else.
By pouring huge amounts of the company's revenues into R&D Gates ensured that Microsoft was always prospecting for the next big thing. In its software laboratories Microsoft develops products for many years down the road.




kenz_yoshida English → Japanese
Original Text

PAGE 44-1

The second set of lessons from the Bill Gates school of business is:

•Understand your business.
In the era of the knowledge worker, when the company was asserting, establishing and cementing its position, it took a techie to run a company like Microsoft. Only someone with a bone deep knowledge of the technology could truly understand what was going on in the industry, identify the trends, and set a winning strategy.

•Create a business culture that recognizes the importance of technical experts.
Most companies have traditionally valued generalists more highly than specialists. At Microsoft the software developers are regarded as more important than managers .





kenz_yoshida English → Japanese
Original Text

PAGE 41-1

Management guru Tom Peters points to a day in mid-1992 as the day the world changed. At that moment, the stock market valuation of Microsoft exceeded that of General Motors for the first time. On that day Wall Street put a higher value on Microsoft, which owns virtually no physical assets, than it did on GM, with all its factories, offices and inventory. The idea would have been unthinkable just a few decades ago.

By investing so much of the company's revenues in R&D, Gates constantly added to Microsoft's reservoir of intellectual capital. According to Johan Roos, president of Copenhagen Business School, GM symbolizes the industrial era


GM 対 マイクロソフト



kenz_yoshida English → Japanese
Original Text


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