aaaa (kenny2030) Translations

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Over 12 years ago
Japanese (Native) English
A listing of the public translations that were written by this user. This listing does not include the requests that have yet to be completed.
kenny2030 English → Japanese
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Therefore, your work shouldn’t stop at the job offer stage. You should continue to work to convince the candidate that your company is the one he should join. If you have investors, you should ask them to take calls with candidates, to explain why they invested in you. You can also consider starting the person as a contract-to-hire, where possible — you’d pay the person as a contractor at the beginning, until he’s ready to make a decision. Lastly, ask any mutual connections that you might have with the candidate to ‘backchannel’ them to hype up how great your company is.

What are your tips for hiring? Let us know in the comments below.


だから、オファーを出した段階で求人をストップするべきではないのだ。あなたの会社こそ働くべき場所なのだと志望者を説得し続けなくてはならない。もしあなたの事業に対して投資する人物がいるならば、彼らが志望者と連絡を取って、なぜあなたに投資するのか説明してくれるようにお願いすべきだ。さらに志望者が決定を下す準備ができるまで、可能であれば期間限定の契約を結んで、まずは仕事を委託する形式で働きはじめてもらうことを考えることもできる。最後に、 あなたが持っている有効なあらゆるコネクションを利用し「裏ルートを通して」志望者にどれほどあなたの企業が素晴らしいかについて宣伝してもらうようにしよう。


kenny2030 English → Japanese
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Calling Tech Startups: Chinaccelerator Applications Now Open!

If you guys have been following the tech startup scene in Beijing and last year’s TechCrunch Disrupt in the city, you’ll probably notice that the finalists at the competition had two Chinaccelerator graduates — Order With Me and NextGoals. And the former startup, apart from the glitz and glamour, walked away with the Disrupt cup and later brought in US$3 million in investment from Infinity Venture Partners and SOSventures.

Now, here’s your chance to be part of that winning accelerator in China, because Chinaccelerator has just started accepting applications for its 2012 intake.



もしも読者の皆様が北京におけるテクノロジー関連の起業動向を追いかけており、昨年同市で開催されたTechCrunch Disruptについてもご存知ならばおそらく、そのコンテストでのファイナリストとなったOrder With MeとNextGoalsは2社ともChinacceleratorの卒業生であったことにお気づきだろう。Order With MEには外見の派手さや魅力があることは別としても、Disrupt カップを獲得して、後には300万米ドルの投資をInfinity Venture PartnersとSOSventuresから受けたのであった。


kenny2030 English → Japanese
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Plus, there is a large pool of cost-effective graduates from fields of computer science and software engineering, with wages much lower than their Shanghai and Beijing counterparts – all of which make it a good place to hire and perhaps set up shop.

At the end of the program, startups also stand a chance to pitch to hundreds of investors at Chinaccelerator’s Demo Day, where you can meet potential investors and build relationships with many outstanding professionals in the tech scene.

The application deadline is June 30th, and you can find out more from the details at Or you can drop them an email.



プログラムの終わりに、スタートアップ企業はたくさんの投資家たちに対して ChinacceleratorのDemo Dayでプレゼンをするチャンスがある。そして、そこであなたは投資してくれる可能性のある投資家たちと出会い、そして多くの優れたテクノロジー関連のプロフェッショナルたちと関係を築くことができるのである。


kenny2030 English → Japanese
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Arrif Ziaudeen, CEO and founder of Chope, was highly enthusiastic when he showed the app (pictured below) to me during our chat over coffee. It has a list of approximately 130 restaurants that users can browse from, discover restaurants nearby, find out more information such as the address, type of cuisine, opening hours, and it even includes suggestions (in the “What We Love” category) from the team at Chope. Of course, when you’re all ready and satisfied with your selection, you can start booking from the app itself, anytime and anywhere. How convenient is that?


Chopeの設立者であり、最高経営責任者のArrif Ziaudeen氏はコーヒーを飲みながら談笑する最中、私にそのアプリ(以下の写真参照)を見せてくれたが、大変な熱の入りようであった 。そこを見ると、約130のレストランのリストがあった。ユーザーはそのリストに目を通すことができ、近くにあるレストランを発見、住所や料理のタイプ、開店時間などの関連情報を知り、さらに(“私たちのお気に入り”カテゴリの中では)Chopeのチームからの提案も知ることができる。もちろんレストランが決まって、その選択に満足であるならば、いつでもどこでも、そのアプリから予約の手続きをスタートすることができる。なかなか便利だと思わないだろうか?

kenny2030 English → Japanese
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Apart from having Burpple as its mobile strategic partner, Chope is also working with TimeOut Singapore to reward readers who book via its website with a 20 percent discount off of their bill.

Chope’s revenue model basically comes from their 130 restaurant customers, who are charged a subscription fee for using their table management system, and a booking fee for each diner coming through their platform. The team is currently receiving around 15,000 bookings (and growing) per month, which is a pretty impressive figure for a small country like Singapore. They are targeting the foodies who would love to try out the newest and hottest restaurants on the Singapore dining scene.




kenny2030 English → Japanese
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The iamtrend site is currently available in Thai and English, with more languages to be added by next week. The key to the cross-cultural sharing is, simply, in the preset tags that users can apply to their content, ensuring that when someone in, say, Bangkok applies the ‘alternative music’ tag to a Mogwai video, then I’m likely to stumble across it. Then I get the choice of retweeting or ‘liking’ it. Can you imaging retweeting content on Twitter that’s not in a language you understand? That just generally doesn’t happen. But that barrier is breached on iamtrend.



kenny2030 English → Japanese
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The site looks like a Pinterest clone at first glance – as founder Tareef Jafferi concedes when talking to us via email – but all that collating and easy searching does indeed make it an interesting community. Tareef explains:

From first inspection we may look like a Pinterest clone. However […] our core concept has always been about building a community of like-minded individuals. We provide a fun and engaging way to find new content and friends while also functioning as a social library – a place where you can store and organize things you love.


そのサイトは、一見するとPinterestのクローンではないかと思われるかもしれない。設立者であるTareef Jafferi氏は、我々とのEメールのやりとりの中でそれを認めているが、その情報の並び方や検索が簡単であることによって、そこにひとつの興味深いコミュニティが成立しているのである。 Tareef はこのように説明している。


kenny2030 English → Japanese
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He adds that Southeast Asia has a wealth of tongues, but online it can all become “segmented by language and culture.” And so this might be a good way for regular folks – and “trendsetters” – to form interest groups.

Other available categories include education, food and drink, tech and science, travel, and lots more – plus lots of sub-categories within those (pictured above).

To gamify the whole community experience, iamtrend includes leaderboards so you can see who are the best people to follow on certain topics, lists for your own posts, virtual badges to represent your interests, as well as a social dashboard so you can track your own stats on the website.



他の利用可能なカテゴリには教育、フードとドリンク、科学技術、旅行などであり、さらにたくさんのサブカテゴリがその下に存在する (上の写真参照)。


kenny2030 English → Japanese
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We also learned that ShopSpot has plans to launch an Android app over the next two months and wants to expand to Malaysia, Indonesia, and the Philippines over the next two quarters. The move to Android would make sense given these targeted markets. Though those regions are still pretty much feature-phone dominated, especially in Indonesia, so this might prove to be a challenge.

ShopSpot is the second startup from JFDI’s new program which has raised funding. The first was Kark which received investment from Indonesia-based VC Ideosource just last week. JFDI surely knows how to drum up the PR hype as its demo day draws closer, which will happen this coming Friday on May 4 in Singapore.



ShopSpot は資金を調達したJFDIの新プログラムからのスタートアップとしては2番目のものである。最初となったのはKarkで、同社はちょうど先週、インドネシアを本拠とするベンチャーキャピタルIdeosourceからの出資を受け取ったところである。JFDI は、シンガポールで5月4日金曜日に開催されるdemo dayが近づいてくるのに合わせて、人々の注目を集めるための効果的な宣伝方法を確かに知っている。

kenny2030 English → Japanese
Original Text

The filing also shares the official reasons for accepting the merger from each company’s board (beginning on page 103). Youku’s reasons are more or less what you would expect — the merger gives Youku control of Tudou, after all — but some of Tudou’s reasons for acceptance belie that the company was struggling to increase the value of its shares, and concerned about its inability to do so on its own. They also reveal that Tudou management was still wondering whether it could have gotten a higher price had there been an open sale and bids from other competitors, but obviously, it decided not to risk Youku’s offer being withdrawn by pursuing that.


その書類ではまた、両社の取締役会が合併を受け入れた公式の理由についても記されている(103ページ以降参照)。Youku側の理由はおそらくあなたが予想したであろうことと一致する。 やはり、この合併によりYoukuはTudouをおさえることができるようになるということだ。しかしTudou側がこれを受け入れた理由のいくつかは、同社がその株式の価値を上げることに苦心していた、そして、独自ではそれができないことを憂慮していたこととは食い違いを示している。彼らはまた、Tudouの経営陣は依然として、競売において他社から入札があり、より高い値段をつけてもらえないかどうかについて考えていたことを明らかにしている。しかし当然ながら、その機会を追い求めることでYoukuがオファーを撤回してしまう、というリスクを冒したりはすまいと決意していたのであった。

kenny2030 English → Japanese
Original Text

Although we have made significant efforts to comply with the verification requirements, for reasons including existing user behavior, the nature of the microblogging product and the lack of clarity on specific implementation procedures, we have not been able to verify the identifies of all of the users who post content publicly on Weibo.

Indeed, when we analyzed the popularity of trends on over the past two months, we found no significant drop-off in user tweeting and activity after the real ID deadline in mid-March. Sina admits that implementation “needs to be done over a long period” so as to make it seamless for users. That is to say, so as not to scare off users.


我々は確認の要件を満たすべくかなりの努力をしたが、 現在のユーザーの行動パターン、マイクロブログというサービスの性質、そして具体的な実施手続きが明確になっていないといった様々な理由で、Weiboで投稿を公開しているすべてのユーザーの情報を我々はこれまでに確認することができていない。
