aaaa (kenny2030) Translations

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About 12 years ago
Japanese (Native) English
A listing of the public translations that were written by this user. This listing does not include the requests that have yet to be completed.
kenny2030 English → Japanese
Original Text

But while those guys were checking into China’s startup scene, who was checking out? 17Startup also has a breakdown of the year in failed startups. So what kinds of startups bit the bucket in 2012? Unsurprisingly since most startups fail, e-commerce and mobile are still at the top of the list. Social startups also took a big hit, and comparing this with the breakdown of new startups above, it’s quite obvious that social as a trend is on its way out in the Chinese startup scene.

We’ll likely have more over the next few days as we dig further into the 17startup report.




kenny2030 English → Japanese
Original Text

PlayMoolah launches Moolah It, a mobile wishlist for kids

PlayMoolah, a Singapore startup that uses technology to teach kids about money, has today launched a new mobile app called Moolah It. The app is essentially a wishlist for kids, designed to help them learn about budgeting, prioritization, and impulse control.

Available on the iOS, the app allows parents and guardians to set up multiple accounts for their kids, nephews, and nieces. When out shopping, children can then use it to snap pictures of what they want to buy eventually. The app follows whether the kids are on track to hit their targets.


PlayMoolahが子供向けウィッシュリストアプリMoolah Itをリリース

子供向けマネー教育にテクノロジーを利用するシンガポールのスタートアップPlayMoolahは今日、新モバイルアプリMoolah Itをリリースした。このアプリは基本的に子供向けのウィッシュリストで、予算の組み方、優先順位の付け方、欲求をコントロールする方法を学べるようにデザインされている。


kenny2030 English → Japanese
Original Text

The akwardly-named Baidu PC Faster security suite is available in two languages (English and Thai), and features four main applications: a boot-time manager, a Windows Update manager, a storage cleaner, and a Health Care that supposedly will help solve computer problems and increase security. The domain name and Thai language option make it clear that these products are target primarily at Thailand, but the English should make the system somewhat accessible throughout Southeast Asia (at least, more accessible than it would be in Chinese).


Baidu PC Fasterという少々、奇妙な名前をつけられたセキュリティソフトのセットは2つの言語(英語、タイ語)で利用可能となっており、4つの主要なアプリケーションが用意されている。ブートタイムマネージャー、Windows Updateマネージャー、ストレージクリーナー、そして4つ目のHealth Careだが、こちらはおそらくコンピュータに発生した問題の解決を支援し、セキュリティを強化するアプリケーションだと思われる。ドメイン名「」とタイ語のオプションから考えると、このプロダクトは主にタイをターゲットとしていることが明らかだが、英語版も用意されていることで東南アジアの人々にとって利用しやすくなっている(少なくとも、中国語よりは利用しやすいだろう)。

kenny2030 English → Japanese
Original Text

For this reason, some Chinese companies have chosen to obscure or downplay their Chinese branding as they expand into the region, but Baidu has chosen to put its name front and center. That isn’t likely to do the company much harm in Thailand, but other countries in Southeast Asia like Vietnam and India (with which China has serious territorial disputes) may look differently on the new suite of products. It’s also worth noting that aside from keeping the Baidu branding, the company seems to be downplaying its China connections; the suite’s About Baidu page, for example, doesn’t mention China at all.


この理由で、いくつかの中国企業は同地域へと拡張する際、中国製であることを目につきにくくするか、控えめに表示するようにしている。しかし、Baiduはその名前を真正面に据えると決めたのである。タイでこれが同社に重大な悪影響が及ぼすという可能性はあまりないかもしれないが、他の東南アジアの国々、たとえばベトナムやインド(両国とも中国との深刻な領土問題を抱える)ではこのプロダクトのセットについて異なる見方がなされるかもしれない。Baiduが企業名を真正面に表示することについてはともかく、同社が中国との関係を軽く見ているように思われることにも注目すべき価値がある。たとえば、新製品のAbout Baiduのページではまったく中国について言及されていないのである。

kenny2030 English → Japanese
Original Text

It may be, but how then to explain Turkey’s other overtures that squelch creativity? Late last month, 2,000 police descended on the campus of Middle Eastern Technical University to block a student protest. The university happens to be among the best entrepreneurial ecosystems in the country, but the government’s actions essentially squashed young people’s right to express themselves, their desire for creativity and essentially created a culture of fear. This government also happens to lead the world in requests for Google to remove content from the Internet and has the most journalists in jail. Is it aware how this impedes its ability to become a top-10 economy and attractive investment destination?

