aaaa (kenny2030) Translations

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Over 12 years ago
Japanese (Native) English
A listing of the public translations that were written by this user. This listing does not include the requests that have yet to be completed.
kenny2030 English → Japanese
Original Text

3. Now is a good time to start

Third, the time is now if you want to prepare a kick-ass educational startup. What more can I say? A head start for any business is an advantage. And seeing as there aren’t a lot of competitors in the country at the moment (at least with a good user interface or smartphone app), it should be easier to get user visibility.

While I think 2013 will be a great year for people wanting to build their own e-commerce sites or launch some social apps, I also hope this year can be the one where we see more emerging educational startups. Solving the educational problem here would prove to be a very important way to get this nation’s economy going.


3. 今が立ち上げのチャンス



kenny2030 English → Japanese
Original Text

Russian roubles

Victor is from Russia. So are another 40 engineers in the team. These engineers have had experience battling Google back home in Russia, getting up to even 20 to 25 percent of the search queries in Russia through native search engine, Nigma. So they felt confident enough to fully enter the Vietnamese market. The company is mainly funded by Russian venture capitalists like Digital Sky Technologies, who also invested in Facebook early on.

Edit: Nigma did not secure 20 to 25 percent of the market but decided to move its energies to Vietnam.

CocCoc is actually a spin-off from projects back home, Victor explains to TechinAsia:



Lavrenko氏はロシア出身だ。そして、同チームの40人のエンジニアもロシア出身である。このエンジニアたちはロシアでGoogleとシェア争いを繰り広げ、ネイティブ検索エンジンNigmaによって、ロシア内での検索クエリの20から25パーセントを獲得したという経験を持つ。そこから、彼らはベトナム市場に完全に参入して十分に勝算があると考えたのだ。同社は主に、Digital Sky Technologiesのようなロシアのベンチャーキャピタリストから出資を受けている。Digital Sky Technologiesは以前、Facebookにも投資している。



kenny2030 English → Japanese
Original Text

Well, it’s easy to explain the specifics using our name as an example. You may notice that it has a space within the word Ed: Though not when we type it! because Vietnamese words are written by syllables. They used Chinese characters before, and the principle is one Chinese character for one syllable. So usually words consist of two or more syllables. Even if a word is a one-syllable term, there is a so called “pairness tendency” in Vietnamese language – they will add a stop word or the syllable with the same meaning just to avoid telling the single syllable.



kenny2030 English → Japanese
Original Text

The service doesn’t actually feature a mobile payment solution yet — though Tencent has its own Tenpay, which is rumored to be on its way into WeChat in China — but a Tencent rep told 36kr that more changes to WeChat’s brand accounts would be coming this year, and it seems quite likely that the company will try to facilitate in-app purchases and then take a small cut from the transaction like other online and mobile payment solutions. It’s all just another step in the direction of Tencent putting the entire mobile internet inside the ever-expanding WeChat app.

