Kana (kei_k) Translations

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About 13 years ago
Japanese (Native) English
A listing of the public translations that were written by this user. This listing does not include the requests that have yet to be completed.
kei_k English → Japanese
Original Text

Tokopedia Receives Funding From Netprice

Last year, Tokopedia received investment from CyberAgent Ventures. And today, we just learned that it has received a new round of investment from Netprice.com, Ltd. Investment details are undisclosed. The investment will also see Teruhide Sato, president and group CEO of Netprice, joining Tokopedia as a board member. Sato has 15 years of experience in e-commerce and also has been angel investing through Open Network Lab. Prior to this round, investors who have backed Tokopedia are PT. Indonusa Dwitama, East Ventures, and CyberAgent Ventures.


昨年、サイバーエージェント・ベンチャーズから資金調達を受けたTokopediaだが、本日、同社が新たに株式会社ネットプライス ドットコムからの投資を受けているというニュースが入った。投資内容の詳細は公開されていないが、今回の投資に伴い、ネットプライスCEOの佐藤輝英氏が取締役に名を連ねることになる。
佐藤氏はイーコマース業界において15年に及ぶ経験を有し、Open Network Lab(オープンネットワークラボ)のエンジェル投資家のひとりでもある。
これ以前にTokopediaへの投資している企業としては、PT. Indonusa Dwitama、East Ventures、サイバーエージェント・ベンチャーズがあげられる。

kei_k English → Japanese
Original Text

The first thing you must do is secure a good, catchy URL. Make sure it makes sense for your business, doesn’t have quirky spelling and is available on social platforms, too. Panabee can help you get creative if your business name is taken, and Name Vine is a great resource for seeing what’s available.

Once you’ve set up your domain, it’s time to build out the site and make some big decisions. Here are 10 must-haves for your website that will ensure your customers have a positive experience on the site, improve your company’s digital footprint and increase engagement with your brand.


始めにすべきなのは、誰にでも覚えやすい良いURLを確保すること。あなたのビジネスを想起させるようなものであること、かつ突拍子もないつづりは避け、ソーシャルメディア上で使いやすいものを選ぶべきだ。あなたのビジネスネームを表すドメインが既に取得されてしまっているなら、Panabeeを使えば他の良いURLを選ぶためのアイデアを得られるだろう。ドメインが取得可能かどうかを調べたいなら、Name Vineが役に立つ。
めでたくドメインの準備が完了したら、いよいよサイトの作成である。ここでいくつかの重要な決断が必要だ。 以下、あなたのWebサイトが顧客に快く受け入れられ、 Web上に社名を轟かせてブランドへのエンゲージメントを強化させるために必要な10のテクニックをご紹介する。

kei_k English → Japanese
Original Text

1. A Logical Roadmap

Sure, a website should be aesthetically pleasing, but it’s more important for it to be useful. Before you even pick a server or type an HTML tag, you should map out how you’d like the website to work. This is important both for user experience and for SEO, since Google considers the content and structure of a site when it ranks for search. So, map out and mock up a design for the site — what designers call “wireframing” — and run it by a few friends to make sure it makes sense and is intuitive. “If they can understand the logic, so will the people visiting your website … and Google bots when ranking it!” says Pete Mills of web design consultancy Calls9.


「サイトのロジックが理解されれば、人々は...そしてGoogleボットも、そのサイトを訪れる」と、Webデザインコンサルティング会社Call9のPete Mills氏は言っている。

kei_k English → Japanese
Original Text

4. Clear Navigation

A map is useless without a legend and a website is useless without clear navigation. Make sure you use easy-to-understand and logical names for the various pages of your site — contact, about, FAQ, etc. Being clever or cryptic will just be a turnoff for users.

When developing your navigation strategy, you should consider a call to action. What is it that you want people to do on your site? Place an order? Email for a quote? Become a member? Come to your brick-and-mortar store? Call to speak with a customer service rep? Make your goals clear and obvious.




kei_k English → Japanese
Original Text

The GG&G are temporarily out of stock. We have put your order on priority back-order. The shipment will be delayed until the manufacturer can fill our next stocking order. Your order is expected to be filled within 7 to 10 business days.We apologize for the inconvenience. Once we receive the GG&G Extreme in our warehouse it will be shipped to you the same or next business day. Once your order has shipped we will update you with a tracking number.Your credit card has not been charged, and will not be charged until the day your order is ready to be shipped. However if you are paying with PayPal, your order was automatically charged through PayPal, but we will not charge you again once the item is ready to ship.


GG&G Extremeが倉庫に入荷次第、当日または良く営業日に発送させて頂きます。また、商品発送後に荷物の追跡番号をご連絡致します。
