Kang Inyeop (kang_2016) Translations

5.0 210 reviews
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Over 8 years ago Male 30s
Korean (Native) Japanese English
Medical Science Law Business IT Website Food/Recipe/Menu
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A listing of the public translations that were written by this user. This listing does not include the requests that have yet to be completed.
kang_2016 English → Japanese ★★★★☆ 4.0
Original Text

Enjoying life with my wife. Eating out and having the freedom to travel anywhere in the country by train.

Food and safety.


I make more money and pay fewer taxes.


Convinient stores are everywhere, I cant be hungry or thirsty. Public facilities are always clean, I can use the wc in every places.

Japan is generally a clean country e.g. Public transport and restrooms. Safety is also generally good. I haven't heard of much crime which is important as I have a small child.

Easy to go anywhere by public transports.

I love the transportation system, i never have to drive... I can drink alcohol in public and not be harassed by police. I love helping Japanese people speak English.











kang_2016 English → Japanese ★★★★★ 5.0
Original Text

I have trouble booking pickup of large sized waste. I wish this system was made easier by, for example, a website in English.

Information about proper rules for changing jobs and reporting it to the immigration office is unclear in English and Japanese.

Traffic sign in Japanese. Ex. Tomare (止まれ)

when i was travelling to Ikebukuro from my room after coming in japan. I was lost and i asked people to help nobody help me in my language. after a half and hour i find a tourist information they gave a proper instruction. I am so happy english made me clear and easy to find my destination.

Since rules were only posted in Japanese at the park, I mistakenly went into a place that was off limits.







kang_2016 English → Japanese ★★★☆☆ 3.0
Original Text

I live in Japan therefore I speak Japanese. The language of Japan is Japanese, not English or any other. There should not be necessary to have any information in other language besides Japanese here and to obtain any kind of visa to live in Japan the foreign person should be required to speak and read/write in Japanese at least for daily use or else have the visa denied. People who live here and expect everything to be in their language become very inconvenient to our society here therefore should be denied visa of any extended length other than a tourist visa.

Opening a bank account in Japan is very complicated for a non-javanese speaker.Financial services in general are not efficient for non-japanese speakers.




kang_2016 English → Japanese ★★★★★ 5.0
Original Text

I did not initially know that I had to pay residence tax. I thought all taxes came out of salary

I once did such a gaijin, i was on the train and ate food.I know it smelt like roasted toe nails.But I was hungry. after 40 minutes into my ride i vomited 14 big cans of strong ch-hi, the type the gets you geeeeeeparalysed . But there was no sign in english to tell me that its ok to behave this way in Tokoyo. So confushis

People speak very less English and sometimes due to this not comfortable to talk. Feel alone in big places sometimes, In a shopping mall I unable to buy few products I was looking for due to the same reason. So you are on your own

The traffic and there are a lot of people




