A. de Guzman (kamitoki) Translations

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Almost 12 years ago
English (Native) Japanese Tagalog
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A listing of the public translations that were written by this user. This listing does not include the requests that have yet to be completed.
kamitoki Japanese → English
Original Text



Japan has come from the Showa era when resources were scarce to the present where abundant resources are wanted. The Heisei and Reiwa periods are eras where the need for materials were thoroughly satisfied. Life during the 1950s when the rate of diffusion is low and there were no television, completely automatic washing machines, and refrigerators which were praised as the 3 status symbols, is unthinkable in the present. We have been hounded by the abundance of resources, and hasn't the time come where our focus has shifted to the abundance of our hearts, which we have been up to now been putting off? Our company's products have no practical use in everyday life but we want to keep on making products that will enrich the hearts of those who see it even a little.

kamitoki Japanese → English
Original Text


アンケートの職業欄にはいつも「 会社員 」と書いていた

不動産業と書くことも 自営業と書くことも もちろん代表取締役なんて書くことは絶対なかった

法人であるけども 一人しかいないその法人で代表取締役と名乗ることは恥ずかしいだけだった


美術系の大学を卒業して1年もせずデザイン設計事務所を辞め フリーターをしながらダラダラと生きてた落ちこぼれの僕の実家が



A shy person
I always write company employee' as my occupation in questionnaires.
I absolutely don't write "real estate industry", "own business" and of course "President of the commpany" at all.
It's a corporation but of only 1 person, I would be embarrassed to call myself "President" of this corporation.
I don't have any self-confidence at all in this job that I inherited from my parent.
I graduated from a fine arts university, quit the design office less than a year. Lived a lazy life as a part-timer
My parents occassionally would talk only about the real estate business to me who has fallen behind the world.
Even though it's a real estate office,there are no employees, If they had to say, Mom and Dad were the employees.