A. de Guzman (kamitoki) Translations

4.8 11 reviews
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Almost 12 years ago
English (Native) Japanese Tagalog
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A listing of the public translations that were written by this user. This listing does not include the requests that have yet to be completed.
kamitoki Japanese → English
Original Text



Do you know from whom we should receive A? If the price of A is not included with B, that answer is not enough for us.
We would like to know right away the right contact person for A.
For us it is necessary that we receive the answer for A and it be reflected in the summary by tomorrow at the latest.
If we consider the time for the work involved, there are only 2 days left before the deadline. Is there any issue that you know of such as the difference in amount?
Also, I will constantly be out of the office for meetings etc so I won't be able to reply. It would be great if you can contact me by email.
If I can receive a message about the method then we can follow to carry out the proper countermeasure and report the results.