Katsuya Sato (ka28310) Translations

4.9 315 reviews
ID Verified
Over 8 years ago Male
Japanese (Native) English
Computer Hardware Computer Software
Contact Freelancer
A listing of the public translations that were written by this user. This listing does not include the requests that have yet to be completed.
ka28310 English → Japanese ★★★★★ 5.0
Original Text

Hi! This is Aries, I understand that you have received a suspicious email advising you to send invoices of "Hasbro Kids Gaming New Connect 4 Classic Grid" from supplier issued in the last 180 days. Please accept my sincerest apologies for the inconvenience of this issue.

Upon checking your account, I can see that the email came from a person claiming that they were assigned by the manufacturer Kids Gaming to monitor the sale of their product from Amazon.co.uk. Also, I can also confirm that the email did not come directly from Amazon. Therefore, if Amazon did not advise you to do so, then you don't need to entertain their request as you are not against Amazon policy.


こんにちは!  私は Aries です。過去180日以内に、卸売業者から "Hasbro Kids Gaming New Connect 4 Classic Grid"のインボイスを送付するよう依頼する旨の疑わしい電子メールをお受け取りになったと思います。この問題についてご迷惑をお掛けし、心からお詫び申し上げます。

お客様のアカウントを確認したところ、電子メールは、メーカーのKids Gaming社がAmazon.co.ukでの製品の販売を監視するために命じられたと主張する人物からのものであることがわかりました。 また、電子メールはアマゾンから直接送られたものではなかったことも確認できました。 従いまして、アマゾンがお客様に送付を依頼していない場合、お客様がアマゾンの規約に違反しているわけではありませんので、その依頼に対処する必要はございません。

ka28310 English → Japanese ★★★★☆ 4.0
Original Text

I am working on your order. It will be done this week. I have a problem on #5. I no longer have either of pink for the pinafore or the white and pink for the onsie. I have some fabric the same color as the pink pinafore but it is not eyelet. I cant find anything like the white with pink for the onsie. I do have other fabrics that will look nice with it. What do you want me to do?

Also, I made a mistake with paypal I am not sure what I did but I only ended up with $301. I made the mistake so I know I cant expect you to cover it, but I would like to ask for a little more of the $370. What do you think? Barb



また、私はPayPalの操作で何らかのミスをし、何をどうやったか定かではありませんが、$301だけをあなたに請求した模様です。これは誤りですので、お客様のほうで了承いただけるとは存じますが、代金はもうすこしかさみ、全部で$370になります。いかがでしょうか? バーブ。

ka28310 English → Japanese ★★★★★ 5.0
Original Text

Thank you for reaching out to us. Our apologies if we weren't able to send you a communication regarding your order. I hope that everything is good on your end and I'd like to help.

I've located your order and I was able to confirm that the order did not push through that might be due to some verification issues. For us to better discuss the details of the order, I would highly recommend you to call our Sales Team at (800) 282-2673 from Monday to Friday, 9:00 A.M. - 9:00 P.M EST. One of my colleagues will provide the reason for cancellation and the options that we have for you.

Hope this helps. Please let us know if you have additional information before you call.



私はお客様のご注文を受けて確認いたしましたところ、何らかの検証上の問題にて、注文処理が進められていないことが判明いたしました。この注文についてより詳細にお話しさせて頂きたく、弊社のセールス部門、800) 282-2673へ、月曜から金曜のアメリカ東海岸時間、9:00 A.M. - 9:00 P.Mにご連絡いただければ誠に幸甚に存じます。私の同僚の者が本注文がキャンセルになった理由と経緯をご説明し、弊社がご提示できる他の選択肢をご紹介させていただきます。


ka28310 English → Japanese ★★★★★ 5.0
Original Text

Greetings from Amazon Seller Support,

We have received the feedback removal request on the Order ID: 407-1205407-9626739, that you submitted for review. However, upon reviewing the feedback we found out that the buyer's comment is regarding the delivery issues.

The buyer expressed dissatisfaction for not receiving the item. We understand that the item may have got delayed due to the carrier but still the buyer faced inconvenience due to the delivery. We also appreciate that the seller has informed proactively and the buyer get agreed to remove the feedback, however as per the seller and buyer communication system buyer will remove the feedback when he get the refund.



貴殿が審査請求のために提出した注文ID: 407-1205407-962673に対するフィードバックの取消リクエストを受理いたしました。


ka28310 English → Japanese ★★★★★ 5.0
Original Text

11 & 16

They have gone through your reports and assured to improve the product accordingly.

Now regarding the discount, it shows that most of the problem in the bolt portion, so instead of discounts they would like to send the new bolts which can be replaced with the faulty ones. Doing this will prevent all the repairing work . They can place these in any of your containers.

Infiniti accept the claim and assure that it won't be repeat in the future orders.

As a plan of action, they will first create the samples before going under mass production. Will send you high resolution pictures from multiple angles. Only after your approval they will proceed further for the production.


11 & 16





ka28310 English → Japanese ★★★★☆ 4.0
Original Text

"Hi I am willing to reship another heater and pay shipping to the Florida address - but the shipping to overseas was paid for and I cant track it - so I wont know if it shows up an usps is not been helpful as to claims overseas. Let me know what you think - I will be out 2 heaters at that point - but my goal is getting you taken care of. sincerely waterbedfred"

If you're satisfied with this solution, you can let the seller know by sending a message in the Resolution Center. If you don't want to accept this offer, we encourage you to send the seller a message with solution that you'd be happy with.

You can also view the details of this request in the Resolution Center.


「こんにちは。別のヒーターを再出荷し、フロリダの住所までの送料を喜んで負担させていただきます。- しかし、海外への配送は支払いが完了し、私からはトラッキングすることができません。-そこで、USPSに海外配送のことを尋ねて有用な情報が得られるかどうかはわかりません。その点についてはどうお考えでしょうか? - 現時点では2台のヒーターを出荷します - がしかし、私の最終的な狙いは、あなたに面倒を見てもらおう、ということにあります。よろしくお願いします。waterbedfred」

