junko-k Translations

ID Verified
Over 9 years ago
Japanese (Native) English
A listing of the public translations that were written by this user. This listing does not include the requests that have yet to be completed.
junko-k English → Japanese ★★★★★ 5.0
Original Text

I've checked your order confirmation email and can see your order is being delivered by your local postal service and was due to arrive by 19th January.

In case there are any postal delays in your area please wait until 6th February for your order to arrive. If you haven't received it by this date, please get back in touch confirming your delivery address.

As there isn't a tracking number available for this order, we can't see its current location. However your local Post Office may be able to look into this if you contact them directly.

It would also be worth checking with your neighbours and in any safe places a parcel might be left, in case it was delivered whilst you weren't around.






junko-k English → Japanese ★★☆☆☆ 2.5
Original Text

I won the auction but need to know if before repainting, was the black model.

You mention a scratch on the bottom - is it on the lens or the case? I don't see a scratch in any of the photos.

Hi! u have news about the camera? otherwise, please make the refund.

I just came back from Bijouterie Dominic, who is an Omega Offial Retailer, please see the link below:

Unfortunately, the watch is really broken, it need to be sent to omega for a repair, please see the picture attached.

This is not a damage cause by transportation, this is mechanical used.

Awaiting your comments.

Many thanks in advance.

Is the Meter Accurate and can I make
An offer?









Meter Accurateですか?オファーできますか?

junko-k English → Japanese ★★★★★ 5.0
Original Text

I contacted Canada Post and they only have the same information that I have about the watch. The last scan of the package shows in Vancouver. Since Jan 23, 2015 it has not moved from Vancouver.
As you can see on the picture attached below, the package was to arrive yesterday at the very latest since it was shipped "express". There should be no reason why I have not received it by now.

I have been told by Canada Post that the sender (Watch.jpn) has to open an investigation with the original postage service (Japan Post) in order to be able to track the package and find the location.
Could you please open this investigation as soon as possible.

Please let mw know once the investigation has been started.


Canada Postへ連絡をったところ、時計に関しての情報は私が持っているものと同じでした。荷物が最後にスキャンされたのはバンクーバーでした。2015年1月23日以降、バンクーバーから動きがありません。

Canada Postから言われたのは、荷送人(Watch.jpn)が荷物の追跡と現在どこにあるかということを発送を行なった日本郵便へ調査依頼をするべきとのことでした。早急にこの調査を行なっていただけますよう、お願い致します。


junko-k English → Japanese ★★★★☆ 4.0
Original Text

1/does this also comes with the fancy box that is shown in the photo?
2/Thank you for your response! Do you mean both outfits could not be found at Japanese auction websites? Or only one of them? So I would pay 50€ for both outfits plus shipping charges.
3/ I have always wanted this wand and am highly interested in it at $1500.00, if no one bids at the end of this auction I would love to buy it but will not be able to purchase it until March 6th due to rent and bills I would have to save but will guarantee payment if you're patient, let me know what we can work out, thank you! :)

