Julia (julia) Translations

ID Unverified
Almost 12 years ago
English Japanese (Native)
A listing of the public translations that were written by this user. This listing does not include the requests that have yet to be completed.
julia English → Japanese ★★★★☆ 4.0
Original Text

This email is regarding the order you placed with us, order number 20120905-68159318. This order has been canceled, for our verification team was unable to verify the authenticity of your order.

For security reasons your order was sent to our verification team, and they were unable to approve your order. Unfortunately, we are not provided with any details in regards to why they were unable to approve your order, and we apologize for any inconvenience this may cause. If your credit card was authorized, please note that we have initiated an authorization release of your credit card funds. The authorization on your account should be removed within 2-3 business days.


ご注文番号 20120905-68159318 について、キャンセルされたことをお知らせ致します。弊社の照合認証部門で、発注確認の承認が得られませんでした。

注文は保安上の理由で照合確認部門で確認されることになりましたが、承認が下りませんでした。 残念ながら、承認が得られない理由についての詳細は把握しておりません。 このことにより不都合が生じることを、お詫び申し上げます。 クレジットカードの支払い請求についてですが、注文に対する金額請求解除の申請手続きを致しました。 2、3営業日中に、支払い請求は消去されます。

julia English → Japanese
Original Text

We do have some free elements to our forum, but when you sign up for full membership you will gain access to our whole site, your membership is valid for a 1 year membership. You will gain access to our extensive list of Tutorials in the knowledge base. You will be able to join in with our social events in person and online. We have a baby of the month contest, bingo, secret sister and we have in 'in house' chat facility.
Our Members are always willing to help and share their own experiences, Art Dolls has a Real family atmosphere. Whether you are a complete novice and have only just discovered Reborns, or you have been reborning for years, but want some support and new idea's, this is the only place to be.


本会員の有効期限は、1年間でございます。 広範囲にわたるデータベースの個別指導もご利用頂けます。 ネット上や会場で開かれる親睦会にも、ご参加頂けます。 今月の赤ちゃんコンテストにビンゴゲームが開催され、秘密の姉妹や社内でのチャット機能もございます。
アートドールの本会員は、本当の家族のように、互いに助け合い経験を分かち合います。 全くの初心者の方にも、たくさんの経験を積んでいる方々にも、必要なサポートと新しいアイデアをご提供いたします。