R.Mitsubori (isshi) Translations

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A listing of the public translations that were written by this user. This listing does not include the requests that have yet to be completed.
isshi English → Japanese ★★★★★ 5.0
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Weird science (so far)

There’s a big problem with this career: supply and demand. If you’re a qualified data scientist or working on getting there, this is in your favor. There simply aren’t enough skilled data scientists to fill the growing demand for them. McKinsey and Company reports that by 2018, there will be 140,000-190,000 job postings that go unfulfilled. Worse (for the companies), there will be 1.5 million managers needed to optimize available data. In other words, the next three years is a veritable gold mine for data scientists. However, this disparity won’t last for long.



この職業には一つ大きな問題がある。需要と供給の問題だ。もしもあなたが優秀なデータサイエンティスト、もしくはその予備軍であるなら、あなたは優位に立っていると言える。単純な話、優秀なデータサイエンティストへの需要は大きくなっているのに、人材が追い付いていないのである。 McKinsey and Company 社のレポートによれば2018年には14万から19万もの人材が不足するという。さらに、悪いことに(企業側にとって、だが)、有効データを最適化する管理者が150万人は必要になってくるという。つまり、次の三年間、実質、データサイエンティストは金のなる木を手にしているようなものだ。しかし、この不均衡な状況は長くは続かないだろう。

isshi English → Japanese ★★★★★ 5.0
Original Text

How this 14-year-old girl designed, developed, and released her own mobile game

When I was 14, the coolest thing I made was a 2-by-4 piece of wood that had a wedge in it. I used it to take off my snowy or muddy boots without having to use my hands. I wasn’t crafty, but it turns out now all 14-year-old kids aren’t like me — at least when it comes to code.

Crazy Block is a new free Android game available right now on Google Play. It’s also the creation of 14-year-old Spanish girl Lucia Sanchez, who taught herself how to develop a game and released it earlier this month all on her own. She is the latest example of how open tools and platforms are enabling anyone with the will to make game and find an audiences.




Crazy BlockはGoogle Playで今すぐに入手できる新しい無料のAndroid向けゲームだ。これも Lucia Sanchezという14歳のスペイン人少女が製作した物で、彼女は独学でゲームの開発方法を学び、誰の力も借りずに今月初めにゲームをリリースしたのだ。彼女はオープンツールやプラットフォームによって志あるものなら誰でもゲームを作り、利用者を獲得することができる、という事の最新例となっている。

isshi English → Japanese
Original Text

As an entrepreneur, you have the luxury of thinking only of your own to-do list, but as a CEO you have to make sure everyone else is equipped to complete theirs, and that everything is synchronized to serve the wider needs of the company. An entrepreneur can galvanize friends and family to help in a crisis, but a CEO has to motivate and manage a team of people day in and day out. Too often today we look at young successful entrepreneurs as CEOs-in-waiting. The harsher truth is that the two do not necessarily go hand in hand and sometimes require directly contrasting skillsets. Before you even consider taking on the role of CEO, make sure you’re being honest about whether it’s the right fit.



isshi English → Japanese
Original Text

Researchers just built a free, open-source version of Siri

Major tech companies like Apple and Microsoft have been able to provide millions of people with personal digital assistants on mobile devices, allowing people to do things like set alarms or get answers to questions simply by speaking. Now, other companies can implement their own versions, using new open-source software called Sirius — an allusion, of course, to Apple’s Siri.

Today researchers from the University of Michigan are giving presentations on Sirius at the International Conference on Architectural Support for Programming Languages and Operating Systems in Turkey. Meanwhile, Sirius also made an appearance on Product Hunt this morning.




今日、University of Michiganの研究者らがトルコで開かれているInternational Conference on Architectural Support for Programming Languages and Operating Systemsにて、Siriusについてのプレゼンテーションを行っている。時を同じくした今朝、SiriusはProduct Huntにも登場した。

isshi English → Japanese
Original Text

“Sirius … implements the core functionalities of an IPA (intelligent personal assistant) such as speech recognition, image matching, natural language processing and a question-and-answer system,” the researchers wrote in a new academic paper documenting their work. The system accepts questions and commands from a mobile device, processes information on servers, and provides audible responses on the mobile device.

Some startups have been striving to develop their own smart assistants, but none has yet been able to challenge Apple, Google, or Microsoft. Perhaps following the arrival of Sirius, that could change.


「Sirius・・・IPA(インテリジェント パーソナル アシスタント)の主要機能である音声認識、画像マッチング、自然言語処理、質問応答システムを実行する」、研究者らは最新の学術論文で自らの研究成果についてこのように論じた。このシステムはモバイル機器を通して質問やコマンドを受け取り、サーバー上で情報処理し、またモバイル機器を通じ音声で回答する。


isshi English → Japanese
Original Text

As with last year, the U.S. didn’t perform well on the LTE front in 2015 in terms of speeds, with Cricket USA offering the slowest of all eligible networks around the world. However, the States was only fourth slowest overall, up from second slowest last year.

It’s worth noting here that OpenSignal excludes certain networks that have too little sample sizes. “We have only included networks in this report where we feel that our data accurately represents the user experience,” the report said. The best performing U.S. network was T-Mobile, which managed 10Mbps and 76 percent time on.


昨年同様、2015年もアメリカはLTE戦線において、速度の面では振るわず、Cricket USA社が提供する通信速度は、調査対象となるネットワークの中で世界最低となっている。しかし、今回アメリカの順位は全体のうち下から4番目で、昨年の2番目よりは順位を上げた。
