i356passi (i356passi) Translations

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About 15 years ago
Japanese (Native) Italian French English
A listing of the public translations that were written by this user. This listing does not include the requests that have yet to be completed.
i356passi English → Japanese
Original Text

Contrary to the arguments of some that much of the pacific was settled by Polynesians accidentally marooned after being lost and adrift, it seems reasonable that this feat was accomplished by deliberate colonization expeditions that set out fully stocked with food and domesticated plants and animals. The undisputed presence in Oceania of the sweet potato, which is New World domesticate, has sometimes been used to support theories. However, this is one plant out of a long list of Asian domesticates. As Patrick points out, rather than being brought by rafting South Americans, sweet potatoes might just have easily been brought back by returning Polynesian who could have reached the west coast of South America.



i356passi English → Japanese
Original Text

Those will certainly help to boost the units in certain styles, especially the shirting which is the most popular category for S&H by far. I sent you the attached document simply to reference the styles that are selling extremely well for us so far. Those will definitely get produced. Then there are others that are selling so-so. Those we also hope to produce through the outstanding orders yet to come in. Then there are some that have very few units, if any. Those run the risk of being cut. However, if you have a customer that wants to buy a lot of them, maybe we can make them. It’s a matter of communicating with us so we can reduce the number of cancelled styles and produce as many styles as possible.

