hs_sh (hs_sh) Translations

ID Unverified
About 13 years ago
Kyoto, Japan
Japanese (Native) English French
A listing of the public translations that were written by this user. This listing does not include the requests that have yet to be completed.
hs_sh English → Japanese
Original Text

What made you launch the service?

"A couple of years ago, I just planned a tour to Bangladesh with my mates in the NPO in order to see how social entrepreneurship is doing in developing countries. We had great success in the tour, and could even see Dr. Muhammmad Yunus, the Nobel Prize Peace winner and the founder/CEO of the Grameen Bank, a Bangladeshi micro-finance and community development bank.

I felt that planning a tour and carrying it out with my mates brought on a great sense of unity. A tour arrangement does not have to be a speciality of only travel agents. I thought that the joy of arranging a tour could be shared by individuals too."





hs_sh English → Japanese
Original Text

How do you monetize it?

We just launched the service less than a year ago, and we are still in the alpha version focusing on engaging users. We’re now planning to launch an information resource hub specializing in self-planned travel experiences, that is expected to receive attention from many potential users and bring them to our main portal site. Currently our service is provided completely free. But we may have a business model that allows us to earn revenue by accepting advance booking for tours on the site, instead of tour planners collect the travel expenses. Also we just would like to explore possible business partnerships with travel agents and travel enthusiast groups such as Tabippo.com.




hs_sh English → Japanese
Original Text

Is there any plan for the international expansion?

I expect we’ll make it available in Asian countries. Japanese people may feel better in using products and services having an Asian flavor. Similarly I think Asian people may feel better using Asian-made web services compare to those from Western countries. Through our experience-sharing platform, we expect to have Asian travel enthusiasts on the planning side, and many European travelers on the participant side.

There are lots of travel resources online — Lonely Planet, Global Trotters, Michelin, and lots more. If you are tired of checking the conventional travel websites, give Trippiece a try. I’m hoping its English version will be available very soon.




オンライン上の旅行情報リソースはたくさんある。―Lonely Planet、Global Trotters、Michelinなどだ。もしあなたがそういったお決まりの旅行情報サイトをチェックするのに疲れてしまったら、Trippieceを試してみてほしい。私はTrippieceの英語版がすぐに利用できるようになることを期待している。

hs_sh English → Japanese ★★★★☆ 4.0
Original Text

India Facebook Users Growing Fast, May Overtake Indonesia

We often hear this, but it’s true: “Indonesia is the second largest Facebook nation in the world.” Cool to know, but it might not be true much longer. India, the second most populous nation in the world, is loving Facebook and the number of users there is spreading like wildfire.

According to SocialBakers, India now has 32.6 million Facebook users, which puts it in third place worldwide, about 7 million short of Indonesia. The charts below show the user growth rate of each country and clearly, India is experiencing a surge while Indonesia’s growth is pretty much stagnant.





hs_sh English → Japanese
Original Text

Well, it’s a numbers game, isn’t it? India has a population of 1.15 billion (60+ million internet users) while Indonesia has 230 million (20+ million internet users). So it is only normal that India will soon overtake Indonesia. I spoke to Pretham Venkky, Business Head at KRDS India, a Facebook marketing firm that works closely with Facebook India, to discuss Facebook’s rise in India. He credited Facebook India for making the social network service free on mobile phones with no data charges which he strongly believes is the key behind the country’s strong growth.


なるほど確かにそうだが、それは数あそびのようなものではないのか?インドの人口は11億5000万人(内インターネットユーザーは6000万人以上)だが、インドネシアは2億3000万人(内インターネットユーザーは2000万人以上)である。だからインドがすぐにインドネシアを追い抜くだろうことは単に普通のことだ。Facebook Indiaと近しい位置にあるFacebook向けマーケティング企業KRDS Indiaの社長であるPretham Venkky氏と、インドでのFacebookの成長について話しあった時、私は氏にそう言ったのである。彼は、携帯電話でデータ通信量なしで使える無料ソーシャルネットワーキングサービスを作り上げたことについてFacebookを評価していた。彼はそれが国の大きな成長の鍵になると強く信じている。

hs_sh English → Japanese ★★★★☆ 4.0
Original Text

Venkky said that India gained 2.2 million additional Facebook users last month, and in contrast, Indonesia has only gained 32,000. This is just the beginning for the social network platform in India though. Its penetration rate is only at 2.78 percent and there is lots of room for growth. This growth comes will bring new opportunities and perhaps we will see many start-ups riding on the Facebook wave very soon.

Of course, the rise in Facebook’s popularity has attracted the attention of brands in India. Venkky told me that KRDS’s business in India has been very good so far. “We get plenty of requests for Facebook brand campaigns,” he said.




hs_sh English → Japanese
Original Text

The Sims Social, a collaboration between EA Playfish and EA internal developer The Sims Studio, officially launches “soon” on Facebook, although players can click Go To App as of today. Even before a closed beta launched in late July, the game’s page routinely made our weekly rankings lists of fastest-growing social games by monthly active and daily active users. According to our AppData traffic tracking service, the game currently has 1 million MAU and over 68,000 DAU. Read our exclusive hands-on experience with The Sims Social for more details.


The Sims Socialは、EA PlayfishとEA内デベロッパーであるThe Sims Studioとのコラボレーション作品であり、今日現在Go To Appボタンをクリックできるものの、公式にはFacebook上で "まもなく" ローンチされる。7月後半にクローズドベータがローンチされる前でさえも、そのゲームのページは、当サイト上で掲載している急成長ソーシャルゲームの月間およびデイリーアクティブユーザー数によるウィークリーランキングに日常的にランクしていた。AppDataのトラフィックトラッキングサービスによれば、そのゲームは現在100万月間アクティブユーザー、および6万8千以上のデイリーアクティブユーザーを得ているのだ。より詳しくは当サイトのThe Sims Social独占体験リポートをご参照いただきたい。

hs_sh English → Japanese
Original Text

Updating Discovery for Social Games on Facebook With Algorithms, Better New User Experience
August 4th, 2011

The reason Ryan shies away from a Games destination on Facebook, like the version currently available, is that users expect to see lists of the 10 most popular games on destination sites because that’s what they’re used to seeing in the App Store or Android Marketplace. Ryan says these lists tend to be self-fulfilling, and the idea of Facebook dictating to a new user what they should or shouldn’t play goes against the platform’s philosophy of social discovery.



Ryan氏が現行ヴァージョンのようにFacebook上でユーザーを特定のゲームへと仕向けることを避ける理由は次のようなものである。ユーザーはディスティネーションサイトにおいて人気ゲーム上位10選のリストを見ることを予期している。なぜならそれがApp StoreやAndroidマーケットプレイスで見慣れているものだからである。そしてFacebookが新しいユーザーに何をプレイすべきで何をプレイすべきでないかを指図するという考えは、ソーシャルディスカバリーについてのFacebookプラットフォームの哲学に反するものである。