hhanyu7 Translations

5.0 1 reviews
ID Verified
About 9 years ago
United States
Japanese (Native) English
A listing of the public translations that were written by this user. This listing does not include the requests that have yet to be completed.
hhanyu7 English → Japanese
Original Text

Along with its popular flea markets, Pasadena is home to excellent shops appealing to the retro-inclined. Near Caltech, High Low Vintage has a sexy, stylishly laid out collection of women’s clothing (sequins, paisley and gold lamé, oh my!) and funky, modish housewares befitting a midcentury Angeleno aesthetic. Next to one of the city’s well-worn, well-loved dives (the Colorado, where the jukebox plays nonstop nostalgia, from Otis Redding to the Jackson Five), Poo-Bah Records is legendary among hip-hop heads, D.J.s and anyone intimate with underground and avant-garde music scenes in Los Angeles.


人気のノミの市だけでなく、パサデナにはレトロ好きな人たちの興味をそそる素晴らしいショップが立ち並んでいます。カリフォルニア工科大学近くにある「ハイ・ロー・ビンテージ(High Low Vintage)」には、セクシーでスタイリッシュに陳列された婦人服のコレクション(シークイン、ペーズリー、ゴールドのラメ、あらまあ!)、そして世紀半ばのロサンゼルス人の美学に相応しいファンキーで現代風の家庭用品があります。パサデナの有名かつ愛されているバー(ジュークボックスはノンストップでノスタルジックなオーティス・レディングからジャクソン・ファイブまで流れているバー、「コロラド」)の隣にある「プーバー・レコーズ(Poo-Bah Records)」は、ヒッポホップ中毒者、DJ、そしてロサンゼルスのアンダーグランドや前衛的なミュージック・シーンに詳しい人たちの間で伝説に残るほど有名です。

hhanyu7 English → Japanese
Original Text

I have called eBay and PayPal. There seems to be an issue with lack of charges disclosed at the point of payment. Please be advised that PayPal will dispute an unauthorized charge in order to reimburse the difference between the invoice and my credit card bill of $1.93.

We received tracking information from you before or at the time the buyer opened the case that shows the item was delivered to the buyer's address. You don't need to do anything else. Because we decided in your favor, this case, any feedback left, and all detailed seller ratings left, will not affect your seller performance. In addition, any feedback left for this transaction will be removed.




hhanyu7 English → Japanese
Original Text

11 & 16

They have gone through your reports and assured to improve the product accordingly.

Now regarding the discount, it shows that most of the problem in the bolt portion, so instead of discounts they would like to send the new bolts which can be replaced with the faulty ones. Doing this will prevent all the repairing work . They can place these in any of your containers.

Infiniti accept the claim and assure that it won't be repeat in the future orders.

As a plan of action, they will first create the samples before going under mass production. Will send you high resolution pictures from multiple angles. Only after your approval they will proceed further for the production.








hhanyu7 English → Japanese
Original Text

Wow, I was really hoping to use the camera with the GV-1 viewfinder.

I will have to buy a GV-1 viewfinder again.

The cheapest I can find on eBay is $99 +$3 shipping in the US for a used one.

Can you refund this amount.

How much will you refund for the lens?
If I return the lens the podtage will be very expensive from Canada. It is more than $60 for regular airmail.
If the price is ok I will keep it as backup lens and then search another one with no defects, because fixing this lens defect will cost me $160. Is is not worth to fix it.
Please let me know.Thanks for reply.







hhanyu7 English → Japanese
Original Text

Re: Comment/Enquiry on Internet Banking 03 Dec 2016
Dear Mr Nitta

Thank you for your e-mail of 1 December regarding your account.

I understand that you have performed a cash withdrawal at our Hong Kong
branch. However, I am sorry to inform you that your account has been
inactive before you visited the branch to perform a cash withdrawal.

In this situation, may I suggest you visit any of our Hong Kong branches
to perform a cash withdrawal and require our colleagues there to
re-activate your account.

However, I am sorry that we are unable to accept any instructions sent
by e-mail.

If you have any other questions, please call our Personal Banking
Hotline on [852] 2233 3000.

Yours sincerely







他にご質問があれば、パーソナル・バンキング・ホットライン[852] 2233 3000までお電話ください。
