About the carton, I asked the printer make a design again as your requirements and I will send to you again when they finishBut I have a questionUsually, we issue an invoice just after the ship departure, and in the invoice will have information about the shipmentBut you said that after you send back the contract with your sign, we need to make an invoice for youIs it a temporary invoice? And after the ship departure, we will issue another invoice?I think the amount of money for 30% prepaid will up on the contractAnd this time, will the tranfer of payment from Japanese bank and Vietnamese bank will be fasterI have just sent you the carton box design. If you confirm it, we will print it out.
カートンの件ですが、あなたのご要望のように印刷屋にデザインを作ってくれるように再び頼みました。仕上がったら、また送ります。しかし、一つ質問があります。通常、私たちは船便が出た直後にインボイスを出し、そのインボイスには出荷の情報が載ります。しかしあなたのサインがなされた契約書をあなたが送り返した後に、私たちはインボイスをあなたに送る必要があると、あなたはおっしゃっていました。それは一時的なインボイスですか? 船便が出た後、私たちは別のインボイスを出すのですか?30%の前払いの金額は契約書に載ると思います。今回、日本の銀行からベトナムの銀行への支払いの送金はさらに早いでしょう。私はカートン箱のデザインを調度あなたに送ったところです。あなたが確認したら、私たちは印刷に出します。
I want to buy a lot of products, but if I choose various kinds of them, the shipping cost will be very high.I think it is a problem relating to the system. Can you fix it?I plan to buy about 50 or 60. Will you tell me how much the shipping cost will be?And if I buy three pieces, can you add a sample in the same size?Buying 60 pieces = shipping 80 pieces
I am looking for a product, which another buyer asked me to look for.If I am able to find it and list it to sell, I will let you know.
How to tie your marketing metrics to real business results (5 steps)Marketers love metrics. Any acronym that starts with a capital C makes a marketer’s ears perk up — CPA, CPL, CPC, CPM, CTR. But while these metrics make perfect sense to marketers, there’s a common problem in connecting them back to actual business results. The root of the problem is that marketing teams don’t often do the upfront legwork to connect their marketing metrics to financial metrics. Having gone through this process myself, I’ve laid out a simple five-step process that other marketing teams can follow to better align their metrics with the business results the rest of the company cares about.
マーケティングの測定基準を実際の業績につなぐ方法 (5段階)マーケターは測定基準が好きだ。CPA、CPL、CPC、CPM、CTRなど、大文字のCで始まる頭字語には何に対してもマーケターの耳はピンと立つ。しかし、こうした測定基準はマーケターにとって完全に筋が通っているのだが、測定基準を実際の実績につなぎ返すことにおいて共通の問題がある。その問題の根っこにあるのは、マーケティングチームは、マーケティングの測定基準を金融面の測定基準につなげるための細かい段取りを前もって滅多に行うことがないということだ。私自身このプロセスを通ってきたのだが、私は他のマーケティングチームが真似できる簡単な5段階のプロセスを作った。それに従えば、マーケティングチームの測定基準を会社の他の部門が気にする業績にさらによく同調させられる。
1. Determine your source(s) of truthThe first step is to make sure everyone in the organization is speaking the same language when talking about business objectives and defining company success.Dig into your CRM, or whatever database houses your customer data. Make sure you can clearly articulate what information you’ll need to get from your database to help you measure marketing performance. Most importantly, customer data needs to be tagged with marketing campaign data or you’ll never be able to connect the dots.
1. 事実を語る資料を決める第一ステップは、会社の社員全員が事業目標を話したり、会社の成功を定義したりする時、同じ用語で話すことを確認することだ。CRMもしくは顧客データを保存しているデータベースなどを掘り下げてみよう。マーケティングの実績を測定する助けとなるデータベースから、どんな情報を得る必要があるのか具体的に話をすることができるようにすることだ。最も大事なのは、顧客データは販売キャンペーンデータでタグを付ける必要がある、そうしなければ決して点を結んで全体像を作り上げることはできない。
Even if you think you have the cleanest CRM since Salesforce brought them to the cloud, it’s a critical first step to invest some time and resources on a data hygiene project. Not only will this save tons of time and energy down the line, but more importantly, it gets a cross-functional team working together and speaking the same language. There are always things you can do, from deduplication to improving lead routing process, follow up SLAs, and automated scoring.
Once you have a good base to work with, agree on what database to query for which items. It’s critical to ask these questions at the onset to avoid discrepancies or confusion down the line. Getting this cross-functional team together will help everyone understand where deficiencies exist, what data is possible to get, and what isn’t.2. Get on the same page with financeHow many people take the time to develop their marketing metrics with the finance team?… No wonder you have hard budget conversations.Get the metrics from Finance that you’ll need to build a comprehensive backward-looking ROI model that tells an accurate story:
作業を行う良い基盤ができたら、どんなデータベースでどの品目をクエリーするのかについて合意しておくこと。将来において食い違いや混乱を避けるため、始めにこのような質問をするのは重要である。この機能横断型チームが集まれば、どこに食い違いがあるのか、どのデータが取り出せるのか、出せないのか、みんなが理解する助けとなるだろう。2. 経理と同じ考えを持つどのくらいの人が時間を割いて経理チームと共にマーケティングの測定基準を作り上げるのだろうか?…道理で予算の話し合いは難しいわけだ。正確な実体を伝える包括的な後ろ向きのROI(投資利益率)モデルを構築する必要があるので、経理から測定基準を入手しておくこと。
・Net Customer Lifetime Value (LTV): calculate the future profitability of a customer relationship. As you get more sophisticated, you can build out LTV for different customer segments to get a better pulse on what business is driving profits.・12-month Average Revenue Per User (ARPU): measure the revenue generated per unit to factor in speed of payback, and assess which products are high- and low-generators.・Customer Acquisition Cost (CAC): include all components and resources involved in acquiring a new customer to fill out your model.Once you have these numbers, work with Finance to set goals. How much new vs. existing revenue do you need to add to achieve your operating plan goals?
3. Build the historical modelPut together a historical model to look at how marketing is driving revenue, from customer awareness to conversion. Together with the metrics you gathered with Finance, you can then determine how much revenue resulted from these efforts.Start from the top of the funnel and work your way down. Note where you got every single piece of data, and whether it’s an assumption or observed. Use the data you got from step two for all the assumptions you need to fill in to get to revenue contribution.Once you’ve put this all together, review again with Finance. Now you have an agreed upon view of what actually happened in a given time frame.
3. 過去のモデルを構築する過去のモデルをまとめて、顧客意識からコンバージョンまで、マーケティングがどのように利益を上げているのか調べる。経理部と一緒に集めた測定基準と合わせれば、こうしたマーケティングの努力がどれだけの利益をもたらしたのか判断できる。ファネルの上からスタートして下に向って作業する。一つ一つのデータが出たところに留意し、またデータは推測なのか、あるいは生じたものなのかに留意する。すべての推測を明らかにするためにステップ2で入手したデータを使い、収益貢献を理解する。これらすべてをまとめたら、経理部と一緒に再びチェックする。これでやっと、ある一定期間に実際に何が起こったのかという見解の合意ができる。
4. Reverse the modelAKA: Planning kung fu!Now that you have agreement on what happened as a result of your marketing investment, you can invert the model to start with how much new revenue you want to generate and work backwards to the necessary investment level.Use the historical model you now have to figure out how much budget you’ll need to meet revenue goals. Start with how much new revenue you want to add, and work your way up the funnel this time. At the end, you’ll arrive at a required budget to hit your targets.
4. モデルを逆さまにする別名:計画カンフー!マーケティング投資の結果、何が起こったのか合意に達した今、モデルを逆さにするには、どれくらい新しい収益を生み出したいのかから始めて、必要な投資レベルまで遡る。持っている過去のモデルを使って、収益目標を達成するためにどれだけの予算が要るのかを割り出す。どれくらいの新規の収益を加えたいのかから始め、今度はファネルの上に向って作業する。最後には、目標を達成するのに必要な予算に到達する。
Of course, you can discuss how different assumptions will change in the future and how you’ll improve efficiency in marketing. However, it’s much easier having this conversation with a baseline of what actually happened in the past. We can assume different scenarios going forward, but based on everything we know, this historical model is the reality and therefore calculates the necessary metrics and budget levels to achieve next cycle’s revenue targets.
5. BroadcastFinally, make sure you’re consistent in referring back to the plan and communicating progress and performance to keep everyone excited and aligned.Document your plan to hit revenue goals, making note of the agreed upon metrics you’ll monitor to track success.Share frequent updates on how you’re tracking to schedule. Highlight areas where performance has been stronger than expected and what you did to push this along. Make sure you also point out areas where you might be lagging, and follow-up with steps you’re taking to bring these up to speed.
5. 広める最後に、全員の気持ちを高め同調を保つために、必ず首尾一貫して計画に戻って参照し、進捗状況や業績を報告をすること。成功を追跡するために監視する、合意した測定基準を書き留めながら、収益目標達成の計画を記録すること。どのようにスケジュールをこなしているのか更新情報を共有すること。予想以上に高い業績を上げたエリアや、それをどんどん進めるために何をしたのかに焦点を当てること。また停滞する可能性のあるエリアも必ず指摘し、加速するために取っている措置でフォローを続けること。
Over-share what’s working and what’s not based on your metrics so that you keep everyone engaged in continuing to push these efforts forward.Adam Berke is president and CMO of AdRoll.
測定基準に沿って、何がうまく行って何がうまく行っていないのか、必要以上に共有すれば、こうした努力を推し進め続けることに全員を参加させられる。Adam Berke氏はAdRollの社長であり最高マーケティング責任者である。
First, see point #1. You can become fairly knowledgeable about something small very quickly.Second, you don’t have to be an expert in order to teach a class or start contributing to a topic. When I first started talking about my experience learning to code, or even growth hacking, I was not an expert at either. I said, “I’m just a beginner who taught myself how to code, but I can tell you about what mistakes I made and what I learned, and I can save you time in not making those same mistakes.”
第一に、ポイント 1を見てください。あなたは、非常に早く小さなことについてかなり詳しくなる。第二に、クラスで教えたり、ある話題に貢献し始めたりするのに専門家である必要はない。私がコードを学んだ経験を、あるいはグロース・ハッキングを学んだ経験を話し始めた当初は、私はどちらの専門家ではなかった。私は、このように言う。「私は、独学でコードの書きかたを学んだ初心者に過ぎませんが、私がどんなミスをし、何を学んだかについてはお話できます。またあなたが同じミスを犯さないことであなたの時間を節約できます」
It turns out that beginners who are a few steps ahead can actually be better teachers than experts, because they’re easier to connect with, and they have a better understanding of what a beginner does and doesn’t know.When teaching about growth hacking, I always admit up front that a lot of the techniques and case studies I mention come from other growth hackers. I’m just relaying the info.
So hopefully these three tips can help you on your way to getting a job as a growth hacker. Got any additional advice or tips for snagging that interview or getting that job? Or seen anything else unique work (like this guy who got a job by running $6 worth of Google Adwords for people searching their own names)? I’d like to hear about them! Post your thoughts in the comments below.Mattan Griffel is cofounder and CEO at One Month.
だから願わくは、これらの3つのヒントが、あなたがグロース・ハッカーの仕事を得るうえで役立ってくれるとよいと思う。グロース・ハッカーの仕事の面接のチャンスをつかんだり、仕事を得たりするさらなるアドバイスやヒントは?あるいは何か珍しい仕事(例えば、自分の名前を検索している人のために、6ドル相当のGoogle Adwords載せることで仕事を手にしたこの人のように)を見かけたことは?私は是非お聞きしたい!下記のコメント欄にあなたのお考えを投稿してください。Mattan Griffel氏はOne Monthの共同設立者であり最高経営責任者である。
Im so sorry i cant buy the bag because my credit card is maxxed out right now i tought i could pay for it this week but i didnt get paidI hipe you can understand me and dont get to upset Im very sorry again Never happened to me before Sorry many times
Thank you for contacting me.Did you look at the product page?Regarding accessories please see the photos.So, it would be great if you understand that I will list only the product that arrived.And I also checked with eBay, I am not responsible for providing a special charging part. I hope you understand this.
Thank you for writing to us. This is in response to your email regarding the Valid Tracking Rate for office products.On investigation we found that the tracking number was not provided for the orders in office products. The numbers that are provided are the order IDs.In order to fix the issue, we request you to upload a template giving the necessary information.Kindly refer to the attachment.Please fill the template and upload it from the below page:(Login required)https://sellercentral.amazon.com/gp/transactions/uploadShippingConfirmation.html/ref=ag_ordrelfile_dnav_orderrpt_Please write back to us if you have further concerns regarding the same so that we can assist you accordingly.
Here is the content that I have suggested a customer.Please insert batteries.Please send it back to us so that we can have a maker check it.We will pay the return shipping cost.The refund will be made after the product arrives here.Above is what I suggested.Regarding the refund, I was previously told by a buy who gave us a low rating that he claimed that a Japanese premium product was broken.Of course, we inspected the product prior to shipment.I asked him to send the product back then, but he showed me an outrageous postage cost.In the end, he did not return the product, but I gave him a refund.I was disappointed.So, in order to prevent any trouble, I would like to