hhanyu7 Translations

5.0 1 reviews
ID Verified
Almost 9 years ago
United States
Japanese (Native) English
A listing of the public translations that were written by this user. This listing does not include the requests that have yet to be completed.
hhanyu7 English → Japanese
Original Text

I had a run (several) orders for ● and I am now out of stock. I placed order with my other supplier for 12 pieces as I was not sure if you would respond.

However, I will take the 6 x ○ @ $1835.00. If you will send a Paypal money request to this email account , I will take care of it upon receipt.

My next order for ● will go to your firm as well. 12 pieces is about a 60 day supply but one never knows in this business.

Await your confirmation. My shipping info will be included with Paypal payment but just in case

I just saw this email. I cannot accept an additional 6%+ in fees at my end - You are giving me a 7% discount on Ebay prices then adding over 6% in fees?



しかし、私は6 x ○ @ $1835.00なら買います。このeメール赤宇土にPayPalのマネーリクエストを送ってくれるなら、受け取り次第この件に取り掛かります。




hhanyu7 English → Japanese
Original Text

We have identified a limited time opportunity for your Company on amazon.es

The following products are generating considerable sales in Europe, but have no offers available in Amazon.es.

We have noticed that these high potential products are already in your inventory on other amazon markets. If you act soon, you could be the first to offer them, but your catalog synchronization between marketplaces seems to be disabled. You could easily start offering them in Spain by enabling the connection through “Inventory>Sell Globally>Build International Listings”. For your reference the mentioned ASINS are the following:



