headbanger Translations

ID Verified
Almost 11 years ago
United States
English Japanese (Native)
A listing of the public translations that were written by this user. This listing does not include the requests that have yet to be completed.
headbanger English → Japanese
Original Text

I am so sorry. I am livid. I'm not sure what has happened, but my inventory in regards to the AAA are completely out of line. We are currently short 100 pieces from our supplier. As you know, this is not how we generally conduct business. I am, at the moment, trying to get them on the phone to get me replacements because as of right now, I have you along with many other customers without product.

I'm just curious, would you be able to find use in the BBB? I would sell them to you very low price. Below my cost even. I have 15 of those in stock. Let me know what you think

Lastly, I'm currently on hold as to the AAA. I'll try and see what kind of lead time I can get to get these back into my possession





headbanger Japanese → English ★★★★☆ 4.0
Original Text

Ok, done!



headbanger English → Japanese
Original Text

This is regarding ABC price problem, I think ABC website had changes in their pricing and they changed it last Sunday. As per excel data that I had attached in this message, as you can see, all the items uploaded since Wed. Oct. 16 until last Sat.Oct.19 the price were still high and it has a 2digit decimal numbers compared to todays price that mostly a whole numbers.
May I know how I can settle this kind of problem Sir? As per checking Amazon website, I can only edit the items that were still in the draft beyond that I think it cannot be edited. Is it okey with you if I will re upload the items that has changes in price?
I am sorry for this, I don't really have the idea that ABC website will change the price.

