Eiko (gloria) Translations

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A listing of the public translations that were written by this user. This listing does not include the requests that have yet to be completed.
gloria English → Japanese
Original Text

・Cloud Computing – Amazon is playing a very important role in the startup ecosystem in silicon valley as its AWS service leaves thousands of startups with no worry about the server’s capability. But for a very long time there is no Amazon in China, and Aliyun wants become the one. Developers and startups can now use it at different price.

・Cloud OS – which is going to dominate the mobile OS market, iOS, Android or WM 7? Aliyun’s answer is the Cloud OS, a highly customized Android system which can help you easily access the (HTML5-based) cloud service as well as the normal Android-based apps. Aliyun even prepares rmb 1million to run a Cloud OS application development competition.




gloria English → Japanese
Original Text

Luxury E-commerce Indian Start-up, Brandmile, Profits Within 10 Months

Luxury goods tend to be tough for many wallets to handle. But Brandmile, an e-commerce start-up in India, found a way to make luxury goods (more) affordable by buying up last season’s inventory from luxury brands and selling it online to its consumers. Even with a marked up price, users can still enjoy up to 70 percent discounts off of the original prices.

The e-commerce site, or the “shopping club” as it calls itself, is exclusive and private. In other words, interested folks need to apply before they can shop on Brandmile.





gloria English → Japanese
Original Text

Although it sounds like a small change when said in English, it’s actually more significant in the Chinese language, as there has been a 100 percent switcheroo in the Chinese characters used in the branding of the site.

Joyo was created in 1999 by Chinese entrepreneur Lei Jun – now known to us for his Xiaomi smartphone – who then sold it to Amazon for US$75 million. In 2007, it moved to the Amazon.cn domain – which it retains today, despite the new short URL – and then became “Joyo Amazon.”

The old branding that today vanishes. Pic from TechWeb's Weibo, via Lei Jun's.

Reminiscing on his Weibo this morning, Lei Jun said:



Joyoは1999年に中国の企業家、Lei Jun氏(現在では彼が作ったXiaomiスマートフォンで知られている)により作られた。彼はそれをアマゾンに7,500万USドルで売った。2007年には、同社はAmazon.cnドメインに移行し、新しいURLがあるにもかかわらずそれは今まで続いており、今は「Joyoアマゾン」になっている。

古いブランド名は今日から消える。上の写真はTechWebのWeibo、Lei Jun氏による。

彼のWeiboでの今朝の回想で、Lei Jun氏は次のように述べた:

gloria English → Japanese
Original Text

As PO’s resident Android geek, I’ve closely followed this trend in China that leads away from Google’s (NASQAQ:GOOG) own Android Market, to localized sources that offer faster download speeds and don’t require a Google account to use. There’s plenty of choice, too – from web giant Tencent (HKG:0700) to smaller start-ups hoping to fill a niche. A few months ago, I made a list and overview of China’s eight best alternative Android app stores.

But, this new investigation shows that even some of those are unwittingly supplying malware-tainted apps that can steal data or cost you money by, say, auto-subscribing you to SMS/MMS services.




gloria English → Japanese
Original Text

The Chinese website TechWeb, for its investigation, made a rough app called “Hot Wallpapers” – just the kind of crappy yet populist app that sometimes hides malicious code. It had been made with a gaping security hole, to see which app stores would spot it and reject it. The reporters then submitted the dodgy app to five of the eight alt markets that I reviewed before – to GoAPK, HiAPK, Gfans, PeaPod, and the Innovation Works-backed AppChina – and, lo and behold, all five services accepted the app after a brief review process. “Hot Wallpapers” is pictured above, listed in the PeaPod market.


中国のウェブサイト、TechWebは、自身の調査で、「ホット壁紙」と呼ばれる悪意のあるコードを隠すこともできるくだらない大衆向けのラフなアプリを作った。これはどのアプリストアがはまるか、はまらないかを見るためにセキュリティの大きな抜け穴が作られているものだ。レポーターはそこへ私が以前にレビューした8つのアルトマーケットのうち5つの怪しいアプリ(GoAPK、HiAPK、Gfans、PeaPod、そしてAppChinaがバックアップするInnovation Works)を提出してみた。すると驚いたことに、5つの全てのサービスが、簡単なレビュープロセスの後にこのアプリを受け入れてしまったのだ。上の写真の「HOT壁紙」はPeaPodマーケットにリストされている。