Eiko (gloria) Translations

5.0 77 reviews
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Almost 15 years ago Female
Japanese (Native) English Spanish Spanish(Latin America)
Business Law technology Patents Science IT
20 hours / week
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A listing of the public translations that were written by this user. This listing does not include the requests that have yet to be completed.
gloria English → Japanese
Original Text

People who succeed concentrate on what they did right, whereas people who fail tend to concentrate on what they did wrong. So after you complete some task or activity, take a moment to tell yourself what you did right, and give yourself credit for it.

Keep moving after you have had a success. Don't lose your momentum - keep going, don't slow down. Things in motion stay in motion, so you won't have to start over if you keep your wins going. Too many of us stop when we have a win, and go back to ground zero. Then we start the long climb back up, taking more time and energy. Find a way to string your wins together, rather than thinking about slacking off after you have had something go your way.




gloria English → Japanese
Original Text

First of all again i am sorry
Again please note UPS picked up this package from us on Feb-19-12 and should have been delivered to you with in 5 working days
Usually after a week or more of tracking information showing no activity is a sign of a lost package

Please do not worry since your package is 100% insured
UPS lost package claim was opened
I will absolutely will not make you wait the claim time and process since in the past customers got upset waiting the claim time and process and gave me a bad feedback
You just got a full refund + a good feedback
Just please reply with your phone number since UPS will need it for the claim
I am very very sorry for what happened
Please reply

Again i am sorry





gloria English → Japanese
Original Text


It appears that you are having difficulty completing the credit card verification process. Please go to your online bank account site, where you can view the transactions for your credit card ending in 3000. Look for a small transaction from MYUS.COM on March 6. We sent this transaction at 7:03 AM US Florida time. It was less than $10 US.

Once your locate the amount, you can enter it on the My Billing Information section of your MyUS.com account. If you need any assistance, please contact us. We have free chat service open from 9:00 AM to 5:00 PM US Eastern time.

Best regards,





gloria English → Japanese
Original Text

At MyUS.com we are committed to ensuring the security of your account. Events such as adding a new card or high value orders, require that we ask you to verify your card. We have applied a small charge to your VI card ending in 3000 on . This amount will be refunded within 24 hours.

In order to verify your card, you will need to know the exact amount of the charge made to your card account by MyUS.com on or about the date above. You may obtain this amount by reviewing your card account statement -or- if you do not have access to your card statement, please contact your bank and ask them the exact amount of the charge from MyUS.com.




gloria English → Japanese
Original Text

Give your ideas wings.You have a number of great ideas every day, but most of us let them go by without taking any action.Take the next great idea you have, and start the steps needed to make it happen, as soon as you have the idea. Don't let the great ideas fade away without action. Use the momentum you have when you are excited about the idea, to propel you into implementing it.
You need to take action when an idea strikes you. Your emotional involvement is highest at that point and it can help propel you into action. If you wait, your urgency starts to diminish, and your great idea is lost. So start to act on your big idea as soon as it hits you and you will find you accomplish a lot more quality things.

