Eiko (gloria) Translations

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A listing of the public translations that were written by this user. This listing does not include the requests that have yet to be completed.
gloria English → Japanese
Original Text

As for the celebrities, Daka has a number of movie and TV stars using the Path clone, such as Fan Bingbing (pictured above). It all seems to be tied to LeTV’s licensed TV and film lineup, which is streamed from the movie.letv.com and tv.letv.com sections of its site. Almost certainly the stars involved are being paid for the trouble of their – or their PA’s – posting to the service.

And so, Daka users can interact with these stars – in a manner similar to the many celebrities and sports stars on microblogs such as Sina Weibo – by leaving comments or emoticons. The same goes for regular users. Note that the emoticons are the exact same ones used in Path.


セレブについては、DakaはFan Bingbing(范冰冰)(写真上)などPathクローンを使っている多くの映画スターやテレビスターを擁している。それはサイトのmovie.letv.comとtv.letv.comから流されるLeTVのライセンス許諾を受けたテレビやフィルムのラインナップと提携しているようだ。ほぼ確実に、関係するスターたちは自分たち、あるいはPAが投稿するサービスのトラブルに巻き込まれている。

そしてSina Weiboのようなマイクロブログ上で多くのセレブやスポーツスターたちと交流できるのと同じような形で、Dakaのユーザーもこれらのスターたちとコメントを残したりエモーティコン(顔文字アイコン)気持ちを表すことで相互交流できる。レギュラーユーザーも同じことだ。ここで留意すべきは、エモーティコンがPathで使われているものと全く同じだということだ。

gloria English → Japanese
Original Text

Chinese Gaming Studio Coconut Island Partners with DeNA China

Chinese game developer Coconut Island Studio announced on its blog today that it will partner with DeNA China, the China subsidiary of Japanese mobile social gaming giant DeNA (TYO:2432), as a publishing partner. Going forward, the studio’s Android games will be available on the Mobage China gaming platform.

For DeNA, it’s another incremental step in its China push, which we’ve tried to follow as much as possible. The company has also been busy bringing in platform parnters, which to date include the likes of Baidu, Kaixin001, Qihoo 360, and just last week Sina Weibo.




これはDeNAにとっては中国進出のさらなるステップとなるもので、我々は出来る限りこの件をフォローしてきた。同社はプラットフォームパートナーの呼び込みに忙しい。今のところ、Baidu、Kaixin001、Qihoo360、が含まれており、つい先週Sina Weiboも加わった。

gloria English → Japanese
Original Text

Most of DeNA China’s partnerships (that we know of) have been focused on this kind of distribution. In other words, they help Mobage games, by third party developers or self-made by DeNA to reach out to more users. It will be interesting to watch and see what other developers jump on the Mobage China platform as its reach expands, making it a more attractive place to publish.

For more information on Coconut Island, they have been previously featured over on Tech Rice and on Pocket Gamer. We certainly hope to learn more about them as well, and look forward to seeing more of their titles.

For now, you can check out their Android title iDragPaper in the video below.





gloria English → Japanese
Original Text

Singapore-based Gushcloud Launches Office in SF, Eyes Indonesia

Gushcloud is on a roll. The social media marketing platform who pitched and battled at our Startup Arena last month has recently gotten funding and is currently expanding abroad. Its first stop? The US, with a base in San Francisco.

Prior to expansion, the team told me that they thought Gushcloud, being a social media related product (integrated with Facebook and Twitter), would be well suited to the US market. Plus, Bryan Chow, CTO at Gushcloud, also has ten years of experience living and working in Silicon Valley and is pretty certain that the US should be the team’s first stop.





gloria English → Japanese
Original Text

And so Gushcloud’s US expansion happened. Co-founder and CEO, Vincent Ha (right of above picture), also shared this blog post which talks briefly about his US experience so far. I congratulated him and we started chatting about expansion plans via Facebook chats. As high-spirited as he is about all this, Vincent is also proceeding cautiously as he leads his startup into new markets. We also chatted a little about market size, as he said that the US is “mind boggling” as it took him a while to get used to the idea that the US isn’t Singapore in terms of scale. He added:

" You can have four big agencies in just one state and there’s still enough to go around."




gloria English → Japanese
Original Text

Indonesia is also part of Gushcloud’s plan. Vincent declined to comment much about movements in Indonesia except that they are “in a few discussions with local partners.” He added: “We’ve invested quite a fair bit of time in ground work there.”

Vincent and I very much agree with each other’s thoughts. Companies in Singapore need to expand unless the strategy is to remain local and to be acquired by expanding players, a la Groupon/Beeconomics, as he puts it. It’s risky but fun too. Opening up an office in San Francisco is just a first step and he humbly admits that his team is not quite a role model, yet. Nonetheless, he has his own thoughts on expansion:




gloria English → Japanese
Original Text

The Acheevit Team Talks Work with Mig33, Shares Startup Experience [INTERVIEW]

You might recall Acheevit, a Beijing-based startup working on an interesting B2B sales solution, from our Startups in Asia Singapore event earlier this year. Basically, the company provides real-time performance information and feedback to sales teams by applying techniques from social media, analytics and gamification to increase the motivation for salespeople. We recently sat down with Nicky and Mike from Acheevit at their office in eastern Beijing to learn more about Acheevit, their experience running a startup in Beijing, and their new deal with mig33.


