Eiko (gloria) Translations

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Almost 15 years ago Female
Japanese (Native) English Spanish Spanish(Latin America)
Business Law technology Patents Science IT
20 hours / week
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A listing of the public translations that were written by this user. This listing does not include the requests that have yet to be completed.
gloria Japanese → English
Original Text






We hereby provide the following Privacy Policy to build the structure for protecting private information and to promote the private information

We shall always keep our customers' private information updated and conduct a measure to avoid illegal access, loss, damage or leakage of private information

We may use private information of my customer for the purpose of communicating our notices and information to our customers and for responding to our customers' questions by sending e-mails with attached documents

Prohibition of disclosure of private information to any third party
We shall manage the private information of our customers appropriately and we shall not disclose such private information to any third party, except for the following cases:

gloria Japanese → English
Original Text








Where the customer's consent is obtained;

Where we disclose such information to our business agent so as to operate the service(s) which the customer desires; and

Where such disclosure is required by laws or regulations.

Safety Countermeasure for Private Information Protection
We shall take necessary safety countermeasure for protecting our customers' private information and take necessary security measure

Confirmation of Identification of the Customer
If our customers desire to refer, correct or delete their own private information, we shall respond their request duly after confirming the customer's identification

Compliance to Laws and Regulations and Revision of Our Privacy Policy
We shall comply with the Japanese laws, regulations and bylaws applicable to private information in our possession, and shall revise and/or improve the contents of our Privacy Policy as may be necessary.

gloria English → Japanese
Original Text

1. Terms of Use
This Product is offered to you conditioned upon your acceptance without modification of the terms, conditions and notices contained herein. Usage of this Product implies acceptance of all such terms, conditions, and notices.

2. Proper Use
This Product is designed for use with pets where training is desired. The specific temperament of your pet may not work with this Product.We recommend that you not use this Product if your pet is less than 8 pounds or if your pet is aggressive. If you are unsure whether this is appropriate for your pet please consult your veterinarian or certified trainer.

Proper use includes reviewing the entire Guide provided with your Product and any specific Caution statements.


1. 使用条件

2. 本製品は訓練を行いたいペットに使用するように設計されています。お客様のペットの気性によっては本製品が効果を奏しない場合もあります。お客様のペットが体重8ポンド未満の場合又は攻撃的な性格の場合は本製品をご使用にならないことをお勧めします。お客様のペットにとって本製品が適切かどうか自信がない場合は、かかりつけの獣医又は認証訓練士にご相談ください。


gloria English → Japanese
Original Text

No Unlawful or Prohibited Use
This Product is designed for use with pets only.This pet training device is not intended to harm, injure or provoke. Using this Product in a way that is not intended could result in violation of Federal, State or local laws.

Limitation of Liability
In no event shall Radio Systems Corp be liable for any direct, indirect, punitive, incidental, special or consequential damages, or any damages whatsoever arising out of or connected with the use or misuse of this Product. Buyer assumes all risks and liability from the use of this Product.

Modification of Terms and Conditions
Radio Systems Corp reserves the right to change the terms, conditions and notices under which this Product is offered.





gloria English → Japanese
Original Text

The Bark Control Collar starts with the lowest level of Static Correction in each Mode and then increases through 6 levels each time your dog barks within 30 seconds of the previous bark. If your dog does not bark again within 30 seconds, the Bark Control Collar will reset itself to the lowest level of Static Correction in the current Mode. Along with each Static Correction, the LED Indicator Light will flash. As a built-in safety feature, if your dog barks 15 times or more within a 50-second period, the Bark Control Collar will automatically shut off for 3 minutes.
Key Definitions
Mode Push-button: Adjusts the levels of Static Correction your dog receives when barking.



gloria English → Japanese
Original Text

The continuous bond takes approximately 3 weeks to file, and will be valid for one year from date of issue. If you need any assistance with these forms, please feel free to call or e-mail, I am happy to help!

As for logistics services, we can provide competitive freight forwarding rates, as well as for cargo insurance. Typically our services are for larger freight, that is, freight that makes up at least one pallet of goods, and weighs more than 150kg. Using our freight services allows you to have just one point of contact throughout your entire shipping process, me! Our overseas agents will work with your suppliers/shippers to organize the export of your goods.




gloria English → Japanese
Original Text

In order for me to provide you with a quote, I will need ALL of the following information:

I have included information regarding the new Customs Regulation for Importer Security Filing (also known as 10+2), which basically requires importers to submit some information about the shipment PRIOR to the vessel leaving the foreign port. If this information is not provided, there are severe penalties from US Customs, up to $10,000/shipment. This only applies to Ocean cargo.

I have also included Amazon’s Palletizing requirements for your review. If you have any questions about this, please contact Amazon directly at imports@amazon.com.




また、アマゾンのパレット要件も添付しましたのでご覧ください。これらについてご質問がありましたら、imports@amazon.com へ直接ご連絡ください。