Eiko (gloria) Translations

5.0 77 reviews
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Almost 15 years ago Female
Japanese (Native) English Spanish Spanish(Latin America)
Business Law technology Patents Science IT
20 hours / week
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A listing of the public translations that were written by this user. This listing does not include the requests that have yet to be completed.
gloria English → Japanese
Original Text

Thank you for contacting A, Inc. for your procurement solutions!
I would like to introduce myself, as I am the Account Manager for Japan, and will be assisting you moving forward.
Attached is my line card with direct contact information for your records.

In regards to your inquiry, I would be happy to assist you. We are the number one distributer of B products, and have a great reputation with them.
How long have you been in business with your company?
What kind of market is your company in?

Also, how many units would you like quoted?
I can bill to you in Japan, and have your items shipped for free to C for you.

I look forward to hearing from you!






gloria English → Japanese
Original Text

④We do not charge seller fees on inactive accounts. If you decide to sell again in the future, you'll still be able to use your account and retain your nickname and buyer feedback.

If you want your seller account closed completely, please write back to us using the link at the end of this message and we will take the necessary actions. Once your seller account is closed, you will no longer have access to your order and payment history. If you decide to sell on A in the future, you'll need to register a new seller account. Note that the buying portion of your account remains open when your seller account is closed.




gloria English → Japanese
Original Text

②Step 2. Switch your Pro Merchant selling plan to Individual.

1. On the Inventory tab, click "Account Info." Your subscription status will be displayed in the Selling Plan section.
2. To end the Pro Merchant subscription, click the "Modify Plan" button.
3. Click the "Switch Your Selling Plan" button.

After you request to switch your selling plan, you will no longer be billed a monthly fee.

Step 3. Settle your Payments account.

First, finalize all sales, including refunds and returns. Then disburse any remaining funds from your Payments account to your bank account:

1. On the Reports tab, click "Payments" to see your payments summary.


③ステップ2. あなたのプロマーチャント販売プランを個人プランに切り替える。

1. 在庫(Inventory)タブで"アカウント情報(Account Info)"をクリックします。そうすると販売プランのセクションにあなたの申し込みステータスが表示されます。
2. プロマーチャントの申し込みを終了させるには、"プランの修正(Modify Plan)"ボタンをクリックします。
3. "販売プランを切り替える(Switch Your Selling Plan)"ボタンをクリックします。


ステップ3. ペイメントアカウントを清算する。


1. レポートタブで"ペイメント(Payments)"をクリックするとあなたのペイメントサマリーを見ることができます。

gloria English → Japanese
Original Text

①You can discontinue selling on the A website at any time. To do so, you'll just need to take a few simple actions from within your seller account.

Step 1. Close your active listings.

Note that suspending your listings using the Listings Status feature does not close them. Please close your listings using the Manage Inventory tool:

1. In your seller account, on the Inventory tab, click "Manage Inventory."
2. Check the checkbox at the top of the checkbox column to select all of your active listings.
3. Click the Actions button at the top of the page, and select "Close listings" from the drop-down menu.

You may also use our Inventory Loader or Price & Quantity feeds to cancel listings in bulk.




リスティングステータス機能を使ってあなたのリスティングを停止しても、停止したことにはならないのでご注意ください。在庫管理(Manage Inventory)ツールを使ってあなたのリスティングを閉鎖してください:

1. セラーアカウントの在庫タブから"在庫管理(Manage Inventory)"をクリックします。
2. チェックボックスコラムのトップのチェックボックスをチェックして、あなたのアクティブリスティングを全選択します。
3. ページのトップのアクションボタンをクリックし、ドロップダウンメニューから"リスティングを閉鎖する(Close Listings)"を選択します。


gloria English → Japanese
Original Text

1. Want to take part? Just write your nickname and SN in this topic, but please on or after 1st day of the month and no later than 7th day (Greenwich Mean Time)
2. Each month we will open a NEW Lotery list.
So if you want to take part monthly, you will have to write your nickname and SN each month
3. By taking a part in lottery you give up your current serial number.
If you win, don't ask to reserve your current SN.
4. In what order will drop out numbers, in that order and will occupy vacant SN's. Imagine that vacant SN's are 543, 567, 577, 589, 590 and lottery winning numbers - 12, 34, 1, 48 and 20. Number 12 gets SN 543, number 34 - SN 567, number 1 - SN 577 and so on.
So don't ask vacant SN


1. 参加ご希望ですか?このトピックにあなたのニックネームとSNを記入してください。ただし毎月の1日から7日までに限ります(グリニッジ標準時にて)
2. 毎月新しい抽選リストを発表します。
3. 抽選に参加すると、現在お持ちのシリアル番号はクリアされます。
4. どういう順番で番号が落ちていくか、その順番で空席SNが埋められていくか。空席SNが543、567、577、589、590で当選番号が12、34、1、48、20だとします。12番がSN543、34番がSN567、1番がSN577、というふうになります。


gloria English → Japanese ★★☆☆☆ 2.0
Original Text

1. Ship back to the sender through your account. Please visit http://www.myus.com/en/international-shipping-rates/ to estimate the cost of shipping. Please let me know the complete shipping address with telephone number if you choose this option and I will provide you with the instructions to return these items through your account.
2.Return to Merchant via prepaid shipping label. Please contact the merchant to inquire about the return policy and procedure and to request a prepaid return shipping label. There is a $7 charge for us to attach the prepaid label to the package and remove it from your account.
You can also chose to have the items shipped to you or discarded.


1. お客様のアカウントから発送者に返送してください。送料の見積もりについてはhttp://www.myus.com/en/international-shipping-rates/ をご覧ください。このオプションを選択する場合、住所と電話番号を漏れなくお知らせいただければ、お客様のアカウントから商品を返送する指示をご提供いたします。

2. プリペイド発送ラベルを使ってマーチャントに返送したください。返品ポリシーと手続きについてはマーチャントにお尋ねいただき、プリペイド返送ラベルを要求してください。プリペイドラベルを添付しお客様のアカウントから商品を削除する当社手数料として$7がかかります。