Eiko (gloria) Translations

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Almost 15 years ago Female
Japanese (Native) English Spanish Spanish(Latin America)
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A listing of the public translations that were written by this user. This listing does not include the requests that have yet to be completed.
gloria English → Japanese
Original Text

Popcorn App for Movie Lovers in Singapore Works Great

Popcorn is a new mobile app on iTunes which helps movie lovers to search for showtimes, previews, and book tickets. We recently met co-founder of the app, Lee Ken Ming, who says that his app is “really cool” and has the potential to be “the best movie app in town.”

He sounded pretty confident and so I gave it try. My conclusion? I like it. The app is solid. But there are areas where it could have been better. Nonetheless, Popcorn serves its purpose pretty well – search, preview, book — all in an app (iTunes link).



ポップコーンは映画好きな人がショータイム、プレビュー、予約チケットを探すのを手伝ってくれる新しいiTuneアプリだ。私たちは最近このアプリの共同設立者のLee Ken Mingに会った。彼はこのアプリは「本当にクール」と言い、「町で一番のムービーアプリ」になる可能性がある、と言っている。


gloria English → Japanese
Original Text

Book: Popcorn provides a full list of theaters across Singapore. In other words, there seems to be no favoritism towards a particular cinema. Clicking on ‘book’ will lead the users to the cinema’s page. So depending on the cinema, some of the theater sites aren’t mobile friendly to facilitate easy booking through the iPhone. But the option of letting users buy straight from the app makes things more convenient.

Popcorn isn’t without competitors though. A couple of my friends in Singapore are using the Showtimezz app to check for movie while on the go. I used to use that too but I personally find it a little cumbersome. It doesn’t have a search option to help users find movie information quickly and accurately.




gloria English → Japanese
Original Text

Could you briefly tell us a little about Wishscope?

"Wishscope is a web service and iPhone app that helps people connect by matching someone in need of help with those who can contribute or help them. There users can assume two different roles in this service: a person can ask someone else to help them (i.e. be a ‘wisher’), or they can help someone do something (i.e. be a ‘hero’). A list of other users’ wants and wishes will be presented on our platform, and the users can take one if they find something that they can help with. Our service aims to help people solve problems and encourages them to connect with each other on our platform."




gloria English → Japanese
Original Text

What made you launch the service?

"CEO Harada has a girlfriend, and I’ve given her many presents. But she never looks pleased when I give it to her. I thought it’s very hard to find what other people really want. I then thought that exchanging people’s wants would be a good idea. There are some services where people exchange skill sets on ‘crowd-sourcing’ sites, but I think it may require a high skill level or some expertise to participate. Our service is simpler, and people without any technical background or special expertise can help someone solve their issues and make their wishes come true."


