Eiko (gloria) Translations

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Almost 15 years ago Female
Japanese (Native) English Spanish Spanish(Latin America)
Business Law technology Patents Science IT
20 hours / week
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A listing of the public translations that were written by this user. This listing does not include the requests that have yet to be completed.
gloria English → Japanese
Original Text

So how does it work? Think about it like this – you activate the app with a camera and focus it on a piece of paper that almost looks like a bar code or a pattern of squares. Almost magically little 3D characters appear on the screen, as if they are standing on top of the table.

MobileBus was started by John Lee. Lee originally worked at a leading Finnish publisher and developer of advanced 3D mobile game technologies called Fathammer. Although he later left Fathammer he is cooperating with them to use their technology. MobileBus is also the key distributor for Artoolworks in Korea, a leading commercial developer and licensor of tools and applications for AR.




gloria English → Japanese
Original Text

With Korea widely known for its strong manufacturing technology companies such as Samsung; Android is starting to dominate the market with 6.5 million phones versus 3 million i-Phones. This means a standard has to be developed for AR to flourish in the growing Android market. Another main challenge is people’s awareness of AR. John also thinks that carriers and device makers must support with marketing and technical efforts to drive user uptake of mobile AR.

3 Kingdoms will be officially released in a month and the company also has plans to rollout another 2 games in the next year. The target users are aged 10-25 years old.




gloria English → Japanese
Original Text

We were quite clear in our listing, and in our subsequent communications, as to payment requirements. We patiently waited to allow you ample time to submit proper payment, and did NOT apply an Unpaid Item Strike to your account even though we would have been fully within our rights to do so. The payment you submitted is NOT in an acceptable form, CANNOT be processed by our bank without substantial additional fees, and we therefore cannot complete this tranaction with you. We cannot accept a non-US Credit Card either. We can either mail the unacceptable payment to your US address, or we can destroy it for you. There are no other options at this point in time. Please advise how you wish to proceed.



gloria English → Japanese
Original Text

I am writing you in regard to the McIntosh C26 Preamplifier (item #280680056452 ) that you recently purchased. After reviewing your case, I understand that you have returned the item back to the seller and now waiting on the refund. I know how frustrating it is when an item arrives and does not work and you want a refund. I can see that this has been quite a process for you to try to resolve. I want to make sure that you are taken care of today.
We were able to verify that the item was returned to your seller. Now we just need to wait for the seller to make this right and refund your money in this transaction. If they do not initiate the refund in the next 3 days we will close this case in your favor.


あなたが最近購入したマッキントッシュC26プリアンプ(アイテム番号280680056452 )に関してご連絡します。あなたのケースを確認したところ、あなたはアイテムを販売者に返送して返金を待っているということを理解しました。アイテムが届いたのに正しく機能せず返金を待っている状態はとてもストレスのたまるものだということは私も知っています。これはあなたにとって解決するのが面倒なケースであったとお察しします。本日は当社はあなたのケースにちゃんと対処いたします。