Eiko (gloria) Translations

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Almost 15 years ago Female
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A listing of the public translations that were written by this user. This listing does not include the requests that have yet to be completed.
gloria English → Japanese
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Eat2eat Raises $4 Million From Kewalram Chanrai Group

Eat2eat, a Singapore-based company, has just raised $4 million from Kewalram Chanrai Group, a company representative informs us. eat2eat provides software solutions to help restaurants manage their table reservations, sales, and stocks in real-time. It has a similar approach to Open Table, but focuses its operations specifically in the Asia Pacific region.

Founded in 2000, eat2eat has served over 1,200 clients, such as Starwood Hotels and Resorts, Marriott International, Hilton Hotels, and Shangri-La Hotels and Resorts.





gloria English → Japanese
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For a company to be sustainable, it is important to have repeated business and service quality is the key of for getting someone to deal with you again. “Many people believe customers for group buying sites have no loyalty. They don’t care about who is providing the deals. But we believe they do. If they have good experiences, they will buy from us again,” said the executive.

My own experience with group buying was lousy. I bought a discounted ticket to an amusement park, but I felt cheated, as the quality was extreme bad. That is why I never do it again, and I have been skeptical about the whole idea of group buying ever since.




gloria English → Japanese
Original Text

Three months later, Zynga launched FrontierVille and the stigma started to fade slightly among my core games peers throughout the rest of summer in 2010. Part of it had to do with the quality of the game; it was more engaging than FarmVille had been and graphically more attractive. Part of it also had to do with the fact that FarmVille wasn’t going away no matter how critical the core games industry was of it and of Zynga (after two years and millions of lost monthly active users, the game is still at number two in our top 25 Facebook game rankings provided via AppData). Another part of it had to do with the growing acceptance that there’s a lot of money in social games.



gloria English → Japanese
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But the thing that reduced social games’ stigma enough for many in the core games world to review FrontierVille on equal footing with core games was the fact that it was developed by core game veteran Brian Reynolds. Reynolds came to Zynga after having worked on Sid Meier’s award-winning Civilization series and after developing his own strategy game series, Rise of Nations, at core game publisher Big Huge Games. His background piqued the curiosity of editors and lent FrontierVille enough ‘“street cred” in their eyes that a couple of my old colleagues at GamePro actually joined the game with me for a week or so while I reviewed it.



gloria English → Japanese
Original Text

Business models was a topic where Disney and EA showed optimism compared to Zynga and Kabam. Chou did say that Kabam had experimented with subscription models and, in general, didn’t want to monetize their games the same way over and over again because they’d become predictable. Van Natta said very little, citing Zynga’s current quiet period pre-IPO. Cottle was a bit more vocal, saying that audiences could be better monetized with a mix of microtransaction, subscription, and advertising. Pleasants came out with actual numbers, each estimating that in-game advertising accounted for 5% of Disney Playdom’s social game revenues and stating that he’d like to see it grow to 10%.



gloria English → Japanese ★★★★☆ 4.0
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10 Million Indian Professionals on LinkedIn [INFOGRAPHIC]

The Infographic of the day series visually expresses important stories from Asia and the world of technology.

About six months ago, LinkedIn reported it has over 100 million users across the globe. And out of these, 10 million are based in India. The number is poised to increase as LinkedIn starts placing more emphasis on Asia-Pacific markets, especially in India and Japan.

LinkedIn has already had offices in India since 2009. It recently set up an APAC head office in Singapore. Plus, a Japan office will be opened later this year.






gloria English → Japanese
Original Text

Despite those moves into other nations in Asia, India still proves to be one of the core markets for the professional social networking site. The good folks at Eyedealab created an infographic to provide us a visual breakdown of LinkedIn in India. Here are three interesting facts that caught my attention:

I’m the boss! — There are 400,000 Indian LinkedIn users who’re listed as business owners in their titles.
A geeky country indeed — IT is one of the top industries listed in India
‘Ayurveda’ in job titles? Yes, 2,587 of them have that.
Catch the infographic below and let us know what catches your attention.


