Eiko (gloria) Translations

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Almost 15 years ago Female
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A listing of the public translations that were written by this user. This listing does not include the requests that have yet to be completed.
gloria English → Japanese
Original Text

The Program focuses on the Business Investment Model, Distributor Capability, Distributor Management Systems and Mars Capability Development.
A number of the modules within the program are already available for use. Watch for more information on this program in the next couple of months.
The output from the last MOS Customer Leadership pillar team meeting was shared with the group. There are 2 current tools; The Trade Attitude Survey and Portfolio Quadrant Analyser. The Trade Attitude Survey has been very successful in its implementation and will now be proposed as a Tier 1 tool in MOS. PQA is now live and has a coverage of approx 30% of Mars NSV. The focus now is on further deployment of the tool.



gloria English → Japanese
Original Text

Following a presentation from Kantar Retail on converting shopper insights into sales growth, the GLST spent an energised morning defining our unique, cross segment selling proposition to our customers. The concept of the ‘Mars Promise’ was created, which would be used as a base for all future customer conversations. Richard Kellam will now lead this activity to work up the concept and to increase the focus of category growth within the world class selling vision.
Distributor Development Program
The newly developed DDP was reviewed by the GSLT. The objective of the program is to mutually grow our distributors business, and offers potentially huge benefits in terms of growth to Mars.


ショッパーの観察眼を販売拡大に転換することについてのKantar Retailのプレゼンテーションに続き、GLSTは顧客に対して当社のユニークでクロスセグメントな販売提案を定義するため、あるある日の朝エネルギーを費やした。「マーズ・プロミス」のコンセプトが作られ、これが今後の顧客のと対話の基本として使われるようになる。リチャード・ケラムはこのコンセプトを実現しワールドクラスの販売ビジョンにおけるカテゴリ成長への集中度を増するための活動のリーダーとなる。