NAGANO TAEKO (fuka) Translations

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Over 12 years ago Female 60s
Japanese (Native) English
A listing of the public translations that were written by this user. This listing does not include the requests that have yet to be completed.
fuka English → Japanese
Original Text

I am sorry for getting out of touch so much. I used to buy from ebay a few years ago, when I was looking for Asian movies and dramas. My best buy was actually a Japanese drama that I like to watch whenever I'm feeling down because it is so funny, crazy and also full of wisdom. It's called "My boss, my hero".

So I didn't realize the Cath Kidston bag was sold already (why does ebay not delete sold items as soon as they are sold, I wonder?) but I am glad that my mistake allowed me to meet you. I didn't even think of looking for Soft Ballet items because I thought they were so rare you could not find them, not for international sale anyway. So thank you for telling me.


長い間ご無沙汰して申し訳ありません。 数年前、アジア映画やドラマをさがして よくebayでショッピングしました。
一番の買い物は日本のドラマで、気分が落ち込んだときはいつもそれを見ます。 そても面白くて機智に富んでいるのですもの。 私はそれを 私のボス、ヒーロー と呼んでます。

だからキャスキッドソンがすでに売られているとは知りませんでした (なぜebayは売れたものをすぐに消さなかったのか不思議です) でも、この失敗のおかげであなたと知り合えたことを光栄に思います。 私はソフトバレーのアイテムを探そうなんて思いもしませんでした。 それは稀少でインターナショナルセールではなかなか探せないものなのです。 教えてくれてありがとう。