freckles Translations

ID Unverified
About 14 years ago
English Japanese (Native)
A listing of the public translations that were written by this user. This listing does not include the requests that have yet to be completed.
freckles English → Japanese
Original Text

This doll is very hard to fine.....she is in great condition for as old as she is. The writing on her butt is so small I can't even read it. I have even tried with a magnifying glass. Looks like 1963 and is made in Japan. Her makeup is really crips and fresh looking. Look at all the pictures. The dress and coat are not mint but in excellent condition. Where someone tried to cram her arm in the coat is ripped but could be repaired.

She comes with Dress, coat, 3 pair of pink shoes, white short gloves, and a matching purse like the coat. Her knees click good and she is very clean for her age.




freckles English → Japanese
Original Text

Please find attached claim form. Once it has
been completed please forward it to, as well as the merchant
invoice showing the price paid for the item.

If your item is lost/damaged, we will need to file a claim for
reimbursement for you. Please find attached the claim form you will need to fill out to begin your claim.

You will need to obtain all related documentation regarding the shipment of
your package such as the airway bill, original receipts showing the
purchase price of the item

We will file the claim for you once you have submitted the claim form and
supporting documents to us. Please act on this soon as you only have 30 days
since the date of shipment to file a claim with DHL -






freckles English → Japanese
Original Text

2.The Brooklyn Kitchen: Say It With A Video
Small business owners usually have a fair amount of expertise to share with the world. A blog can be a wonderful place to flaunt all of that pent-up knowledge — incorporating videos, though, can take your advice to the next level.
The folks over at The Brooklyn Kitchen understand the virtue of nicely produced videos. The team creates how-to videos for its cooking-crazed fans. Whether they’re showing viewers how to shuck oysters or clean a blade grinder, The Brooklyn Kitchen crew focuses on providing useful and targeted information in a high-quality format.


2.The Brooklyn Kitchen:ビデオで料理教室
The Brooklyn Kitchenでは、高品質に製作されたビデオの利点をよく理解しています。The Brooklyn Kitchenのチームは、料理愛好家に調理方法を説明するビデオを製作します。視聴者にオイスター貝の殻を外して見せたり、ブレードグラインダーを洗う方法を説明したり、The Brooklyn Kitchenのチームは目的に合った、便利な情報を高品質のビデオ形式で提供します。

freckles English → Japanese
Original Text

3.Sweetgreen: Think Big
With seven locations in the D.C. area and one outside Philadelphia, Sweetgreen is a restaurant that offers all-natural salads and frozen yogurts — it’s a healthy, sustainable business that immerses itself into local culture. The company’s website explains, “We don’t believe that you can have a successful business in an unsuccessful community.”
Based on that idea, Sweetgreen’s founders aim to make a positive difference in their community. The Sweetgreen blog captures all of the community activities that the company is sponsoring and taking part in, along with the usual day-to-day activities of running a restaurant.



freckles English → Japanese
Original Text

Birchbox: Invite Guest Writers

Birchbox, a startup subscription service that enables customers to sample beauty products before buying them, updates its blog multiple times per day, focusing on beauty and health tips. To keep content fresh, Birchbox editors bring in guest bloggers from top beauty and health companies and blogs to share their recommendations.
So far, the guest blogging program has included the likes of Dorothy McGivney, founder of travel newsletter Jauntsetter; Grace Atwood of beauty blog Stripes and Sequins; and Elizabeth Dehn, founder of beauty and wellness blog Beauty Bets.


Birchbox: ゲストのブロガーを招待
現在までに、ゲストのブロガーには、トラベルニュースレターのJauntsetterを創設したDorothy McGivneyや、美容ブログのStripes and Sequinsを経営するGrace Atwood、美容とウェルネスのブログ、Beuty Betsの創設者であるElizabeth Dehnなどが参加しています。

freckles English → Japanese
Original Text

5. Emerson Salon: Get Social & Personal
There are plenty of blogs out there that are good at integrating social media, and there is another subset of blogs that excel at identifying the people behind the cog. But there aren’t too many sites that manage to blend those two successfully. Emerson Salon, a tech-savvy hair salon in Seattle, is one small business that has tackled that formula and come out on top.
Salon owners Matt Buchan and Alex Garcia run their business with the goal of building a community, both online and offline. On the salon’s website, users see a thorough overview of the company’s digital footprint, including links to its Facebook, Twitter and Yelp pages.


5. Emerson Salon: ソーシャルであってもパーソナル
ソーシャルメディアと上手に統合したブログや、これらの舞台裏の実際の作業者を探し出すサブブログはたくさんありますが、この2つを見事に調和させたサイトは多くはありません。Emerson Salonは、シアトルに店舗を持つ、ハイテクに精通したヘアサロンですが、この2つをうまく調和させて、トップに成長した小規模なビジネスの1つです。
Emerson SalonのオーナーであるMatt Buchan とAlex Garciaは、コミュニティの成長を目標に、オンラインとオフラインの経営を行っています。サロンのホームページでは、Faceook、TwitterさらにYelpのページを含む、この会社のデジタル世界での活動の軌跡の概要をすべて見ることができます。

freckles English → Japanese
Original Text

That photo was taken to show what I call acid bleed near the bell rim bead, on the bell. These places have not deteriated the brass itself, just the finish. The size of these lacquer blemishes range from very minimal to as large as 5/16" across. I don't have the horn with me at this moment because won't be back home until about 3pm EST. But, I'll be happy to remeasure and try to count those spots, if you request again. The all start from where the bead meets the bell flare. Seems to be common with these older Yamahas. Unless you plan to refinish the horn anyway, I wouldn't bother with refinishing in lacquer just to eliminate those spots. You, as the player will be the only one to notice these.


写真は、ベルのふちの辺りにある、「酸化醸成」と呼ばれる状態をお見せするために撮りました。これは、真鍮が劣化したのでなく、表面のラッカーが変化したものです。これらのラッカーのマークは非常に小さいものから、直径5/16インチぐらいのものまであります。今、楽器が手元に持ないので、ご希望であれば、午後3時ごろ( EST)には家に帰るので、これらのサイズを測って、いくつあるのかを数えてもいいですよ。位置的には、ベルフレアーとビードが繋がるあたりから始まっているようです。古いヤマハの楽器には良くある欠点みたいです。ホーンをラッカーし直すのでなければ、個人的には、これらのマークを取り除くためだけにラッカーし直す必要は無いと思います。というのは、これに気づくのは、あなた、つまり演奏者だけだからです。