菱沼重義 (elephantrans) Translations

ID Verified
About 11 years ago
Japanese (Native) English
A listing of the public translations that were written by this user. This listing does not include the requests that have yet to be completed.
elephantrans English → Japanese
Original Text

• Programs or software installed and run on the hosts should be of secured modes to prevent unintended alteration, and be applied with latest patches or updates.
• Administration for critical components should be performed directly from a locally attached terminal, otherwise, strong authentication such as tokens, smart cards, challenge-and-response or one-time passwords etc. should be employed.
• Regularly check online security news or archives, for latest technical advice on security incidents or vulnerabilities.
• Configuration should be reviewed and modified with respect to the latest environmental changes such as changing requirements, emerging security threats or vulnerabilities.



elephantrans English → Japanese
Original Text

• System welcome, greeting or error messages may disclose internal system information. Disable these messages whenever appropriate.
• If possible, install and use management tools or services to centralise system administration and installation, e.g. using software for site-wide installation of patches.


Active content enables information servers to tailor their presentation script which is to be executed in the client side browser. Examples are Java applet and ActiveX.
Cookies are mechanisms used by the server side to maintain the state information of a client's browser when using stateless connection protocol such as HTTP.





elephantrans English → Japanese
Original Text


• All gateway components should be physically secured and be placed in a restricted area.
• The computer room with these equipments placed should be well equipped to protect against physical or natural disasters.
• Lockable racks should be used to store these components.
• Regular monitor and review on the current physical protection e.g. examine site entrance or access logs, check cables for unauthorised taps, check door locks of racks and any sticking labels.
• Remove and erase all storage media before disposal, especially those containing system configuration.


• Enable logging functions wherever applicable in firewall, router, OS, web server and mail server.






elephantrans English → Japanese
Original Text

• Keep logs such as the error logs, system logs, access logs, web server and mail server logs with adequate storage capacity available.
• Endeavor to log information such as invalid account login attempts, account misuse in websites, illegal or unauthorised attempts to websites, administrative and configuration updates, or specific information of requests, including requestor's IP address, host name, URL and names of files accessed.

• Logs should be reviewed regularly and kept for at least a week in a secure place. Write-once device such as optical disk may be used to record those log files.
• Logs showing intrusions and attacks should be kept properly for investigation and record.




elephantrans English → Japanese
Original Text

• Consideration on privacy should be made when designing the types and details of information to be logged.


• Formal backup and recovery procedures should be established and well documented.
• All gateway components' configuration, log files, system files, programs, data and other system information should be backup regularly and whenever there is configuration change. Encryption may be applied to the backup if necessary.
• Backup copies should be kept in a secure place. Two backup copies for system configuration are preferably to be kept with one on-site and one off-site.





elephantrans English → Japanese
Original Text

• If a web server has to be shared among different sections or even departments, different web content directories or resources should be granted with access control to restrict the access, execution and storage of these web applications.
• No links to internal files, which are stored outside the assigned web directories, should be set in the web applications.
• No administration privileges on the OS and web server should be granted to web content developers.
• Establish web content management procedures for posting or updating web pages and applications to the web server.



elephantrans English → Japanese
Original Text

• For web forms or applications that accept user input, all input data should be properly checked, validated and sanitised before passing to the backend application. Any unexpected input, e.g. overly long input, incorrect data type, unexpected negative values or date range, unexpected characters such as those rejected by the application for bounding character string input etc., should be handled properly and would not become a means for attacking the application.

• Unnecessary contents such as platform information in server banners, help database, online software manuals, and default or sample files should be removed from production servers to avoid disclosure of internal system information.




elephantrans English → Japanese
Original Text


• Firewall configuration, administration and operational procedures should always be well documented.
• Configuration of multiple firewalls used in parallel should be identical.
• Integrity checking of the configuration files of firewall by checksums should be performed whenever applicable.
• Log recording and reviewing for firewall should be done regularly.
• Backups of system and configuration files for firewall should be taken regularly.
• Proper maintenance of user accounts is important. Only the firewall administrator and backup administrators will be given user accounts on the firewall.




elephantrans English → Japanese
Original Text

As a seller support associate I am not authorised or do not have functionality to change the back end system to initiate your payment today, however I can guide you through on it, at times our merchant disbursement team do consider seller's exceptional request to expedite the payment and make changes from the back end system so that payment can be initiated right away rather than waiting till the next disbursement cycle.

So in case if you want remittance of sales to be expedited then I kindly request you to write a email to payments-investigate@a.co.uk as soon possible, I would have written to them on your behalf but seller's direct emails are addressed on priority.



貴社が販売に対する送金を早めることを希望される場合は、できるだけ早く次のアドレス宛に電子メールを送信してください。 payments-investigate@a.co.uk