eggplant (eggplant) Translations

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Over 11 years ago
Japanese (Native) English
A listing of the public translations that were written by this user. This listing does not include the requests that have yet to be completed.
eggplant English → Japanese
Original Text

We can only issue a call tag to the address this was shipped to which was your verified paypal address supplied on this order. As there was only one item in stock as notified to you, we refunded via paypal prior to your order being placed the extra item and we would not be refunding that item again. The refund would be for the one 026159US charged at 121.95 via paypal as per paypals
terms and conditions.
If the item is not at the address we shipped to we cannot do a call tag to pick this item up but can refund the product price difference to correct the price to the item you did receive. This would be a refund of 17.00.
Please let us know.
Best regards



eggplant English → Japanese
Original Text

Test-driven development (TDD) is a software development process that relies on the repetition of a very short development cycle: first the developer writes an (initially failing) automated test case that defines a desired improvement or new function, then produces the minimum amount of code to pass that test, and finally refactors the new code to acceptable standards. Kent Beck, who is credited with having developed or 'rediscovered' the technique, stated in 2003 that TDD encourages simple designs and inspires confidence.
Test-driven development is related to the test-first programming concepts of extreme programming, begun in 1999,[2] but more recently has created more general interest in its own right.


テスト駆動開発(TDD)は、非常に短い開発サイクルを繰り返すことを頼りにしたソフトウェア開発の過程です。まず開発者は、要望の改良や新機能を定義づける、自動のテスト事例(最初は失敗する)を書き出します。それから、テストを通過する最小限のコードをつくりだします。最後に、新しいコードを受容できる基準にリファクタリングします。Kent Beckaは、技術開発または「再発見」の責任者ですが、2003年にTDDによって単純な設計が推奨され、自信が呼び起されると述べています。

eggplant English → Japanese
Original Text

I am sorry to inform you that currently does not have the feature that shows the best 1000 sellers in every category. However in the U.S we use the buy box feature, which gives the best seller of every item a preference to showcase his product. For more information on this feature please refer the link below:

Amazon analyses every market(such as U.S, U.K) and adds/deletes features from the website according to the tastes and preferences of the people in the region.

Thank you very much for sending us this email and help us improve with this wonderful idea. I have forwarded your email as a feature request to the concerned department for their review.





eggplant English → Japanese
Original Text

Maybe there is a mistake.

Our standard base is alcantara base + display case and box, the written that you read is the base for Atelier Models that are different from MR Collection models.

The section Atelier is dedicated to private customers or for customized models.
We cannot sell directly to you them, if you need atelier models you have to buy them recording you on our website and order through it.

The ratio is 1.8 so if a model cost for example 239 euro the suggested retail price is about euro 430.

Please, find enclosed two model screwed on alcantara standard base and one on luxury carbon base.







eggplant English → Japanese
Original Text

I described Value Object as a small object such as a Money or date range object. Their key property is that they follow value semantics rather than reference semantics.
You can usually tell them because their notion of equality isn't based on identity, instead two value objects are equal if all their fields are equal. Although all fields are equal, you don't need to compare all fields if a subset is unique - for example currency codes for currency objects are enough to test equality.
A general heuristic is that value objects should be entirely immutable. If you want to change a value object you should replace the object with a new one and not be allowed to update the values of the value object itself -


Value ObjectをMoneyや日付の範囲といった小さな対象として、描写しました。それらの重要な特性は、関係意味論よりも価値意味論につき従うということです。

eggplant English → Japanese
Original Text

updatable value objects lead to aliasing problems.
Early J2EE literature used the term value object to describe a different notion, what I call a Data Transfer Object. They have since changed their usage and use the term Transfer Object instead.

When you're working with a remote interface, such as Remote Facade, each call to it is expensive. As a result you need to reduce the number of calls, and that means that you need to transfer more data with each call. One way to do this is to use lots of parameters. However, this is often awkward to program - indeed, it's often impossible with languages such as Java that return only a single value.


初期のJ2EEの文学は、Data Transfer Objectと呼んでいる異なる観念を描写すべく、価値対象という言葉を使用した。それから使用方法が変わり、代わりにTransfer Objectという言葉が用いられた。

Remote Facadeといったリモート・インターフェースを使っているなら、どちらの呼び方も値打ちがある。結果として、呼び名の数を減らす必要があり、それぞれでたくさんのデータを移送する必要があるということだ。これをするには、たくさんのパラメーターが必要だ。しかし、これはしばしばプログラミングには適さない。実際、1つの価値しか呼びこまないJavaのような言語にはよく不可能となる。