diego Translations

ID Unverified
Almost 13 years ago
English Japanese
A listing of the public translations that were written by this user. This listing does not include the requests that have yet to be completed.
diego English → Japanese
Original Text

GREE: The Mobile Gaming Social Network In An Infographic

The Infographic of the Day series visually expresses important stories from Asia and the world of technology.

We have covered much about GREE on our blog. But I wouldn’t be surprised if some lost souls are still confused about what GREE is doing (subscribe to our feed if you’re one of them) even though it has 130 million users worldwide and over 850 million in reach. You may also not be clear on exactly how it has been generating income through mobile gaming.

As of 2010, at age 33, Yoshikazu Tanaka, founder of GREE, was ranked as “Asia's Youngest Self-Made Billionaire” under the age of 35.



The Infographic of the Dayシリーズは、視覚的にアジアと世界のテクノロジーの重要な話を表現する。



diego English → Japanese
Original Text

A Chinese Start-up Adds Social Fun To Travel

Specialist social media can be super-useful in their specificity – and Tong Xing (‘Journey Together’ in Chinese) is a prime example of this. It’s a light-weight social network for people who want to make a plane, train, or taxi ride with another interesting individual in order to brighten-up their travels. If that isn’t niche, then I don’t know what is.

Tong Xin has an iPhone app already (though, disappointingly, no Android version) which allows users to search by flight or train numbers – or specific locations – in order to see who else is making that exact same trip on the same day.



ソーシャルメディアのスペシャリストは、特殊性においてとても役立ちます。Tong Xing(中国語で"共に旅する")はその最たる例です。旅を良くするために、興味を惹かれるくらい魅力的な他人と、飛行機・列車・タクシーを乗りたい人々のための軽快なソーシャルネットワークです。もしそれがニッチでなければ、私には何なのかわかりません。

Tong Xinは、既にiPhoneのアプリケーションを持っています。(残念なことにAndroiバージョンはありません)それによりユーザーが飛行機の便名や列車の便名、または場所によって、同じ日に同じ旅行をしている人を探すことができます。