Kosuke Noguchi (cozy) Translations

ID Unverified
Over 12 years ago
Osaka, Japan
Japanese (Native) English
A listing of the public translations that were written by this user. This listing does not include the requests that have yet to be completed.
cozy English → Japanese
Original Text

QR Codes Connect Art on the Wall With Music on Your iPhone

Portuguese artist Nuno Serrão wants to make art viewing more stimulating by incorporating music through an iPhone app and QR codes.

The artist’s photography exhibit called Project Paperclip is currently housed at the Centro das Artes in Madeira Island, Portugal. People can walk in and do something usually discouraged at galleries — wear headphones and listen to music while taking in the images.

“It can carry you to a different interpretation of that moment in the frame,” Serrão, who has a background in programming, design and music, told Mashable. “All the pictures are inspired by science, curiosity and imagination.”




Project Paperclipという彼の写真展が、現在ポルトガルはマデイラ島のCentro das Artesで開かれている。そこでは絵画を鑑賞中にヘッドホンをつけて音楽を聴くといった、普段美術館では奨励されていないことができる。


cozy English → Japanese
Original Text

mig33 Eyes the Next Billion, Announces Partnership with 12 Asian Handset Brands

Exclusive — While the growing smartphone market tends to get the most ink in recent years, its important to note that emerging markets represent an enormous opportunity for mobile companies as well. Thus far, Singapore-based mobile social network mig33 has been at the fore of capitalizing on that market, and today it solidified its claim emphatically. The company is informing us that it has signed agreements for its Android and Java mobile apps to be pre-installed on 12 Asian handset brands in India and Indonesia, which are listed below.



独占記事 ― 近年スマートフォンマーケットの成長が大々的に報道されている中で、新興成長市場が携帯電話会社にとって巨大な潜在市場だということも忘れてはならない。シンガポールに拠点を置くモバイルソーシャルネットワーク「mig33」が市場において利益を出していることはこれまでにも注目を浴びていたが、同社が本日発表したところによると、インドやインドネシアなど以下に記載されているアジアの携帯電話会社12社の製品に、同社のAndroidアプリとJavaモバイルアプリをプリインストールして発売するという契約を交わしたことがわかった。

cozy English → Japanese
Original Text

Chinese Academy of Social Sciences: ‘Real Name’ Weibo Isn’t A Viable Solution

The real name requirements for Weibo in China is about to get realer. On March 16, 2012, all Twitter-like service providers in China need personal ID data from all users (old and new). Even though you may still post under your alias, they’d know who, say, “TomCat1234″ would be, as they have your ID data on file.

In a recent Chinese Academy of Social Sciences (CASS) Annual Report on China’s Rule of Law, as reported by China.com.cn, the real ID requirement has been singled out as something that could “bring new uncertainty in building the rule of law on the Internet.”





cozy English → Japanese
Original Text

If kids can have a hero who deals with life in an exceptional way, we hope that the role model will exert some sort of influence on them. The same is true in a much• more• intense manner concerning the people you work with. Although you may not be in the national spotlight, you have one major advantage over public figures. You have daily contact. Your example is not that of some distant person others want to emulate. You are not a person they hear about every few weeks or months. Your example is regular and repeated.
You will be a role model whether you want to be one or not. Your attitudes, beliefs, and actions will be watched, learned from, and emulated whether you want them to be or not.



cozy English → Japanese
Original Text

You have a boss, and the way you interact with your boss will be a strong factor in how your employees believe they should interact with you. This is true whether or not you like your boss, your boss works to develop you, or you get along with your boss.
If you can show enthusiasm, not complain about the decisions that your boss makes regarding your work, and treat your boss with the respect that the position deserves, those who work for you will see that you are living out the very things that you are encouraging them to live out.

Famous models
This entire concept is seen throughout our society when we talk about movie stars, politicians, and athletes as role models for kids.




cozy English → Japanese
Original Text

The new boss paid little attention to detail, and he expected everyone to know what he was thinking. So the man began to ask questions of clarification of his boss to make his own job easier. When an assignment was made, he would ask about when the work had to be completed, what form the work should take, and so on. Soon, the boss knew the questions would be coming, and he became more specific in his assignments. The man had begun to effectively manage his relationship with his boss.

Positive interaction
The absolute best way to influence your employees is to model for them how employees should act.




cozy English → Japanese
Original Text

One way to teach your employees about how to act with you as a boss is to show them that there are ways to approach certain issues, to grow and develop. It is called modeling in the world of psychology. Modeling is a term used for doing things in a specific way, hoping to influence others to deal with issues in the same way.

Probing questions
For example, a man left one company to go to another. After a short time, he realized that the management style of his new boss was less than he had hoped for. Instead of leaving that job, he decided to help his new boss get better, but he knew he couldn't tell the new boss what had to change.




cozy English → Japanese
Original Text

Or they provide special counseling programs to help employees through personal crises. They even have special programs for employees who are struggling with substance abuse.
These companies are not throwing their money away. The more they can help their employees become more complete, well-rounded individuals, the more productive they believe these employees will be in the workplace.

Balance in life
In our competitive marketplace, it is critical to realize that the employers attracting the best employees take into consideration the lifestyle and development of employees and help them find the appropriate balance between work and personal life.




cozy English → Japanese
Original Text

Perhaps you have a promising employee who never got a college diploma. Maybe you have employed someone who needs help with money management. Perhaps an employee has emotional problems or substance abuse problems. All of these personal issues can have a dramatic effect on the development of the employee. Obviously you cannot be responsible for every individual's personal problems But if they are affecting his work, you must deal with it.

Wise financial moves
Many larger companies are taking notice of these issues They sponsor higher education reimbursement programs. They bring in experts to conduct seminars on personal money management.


