cognac31 Translations

5.0 3 reviews
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Almost 9 years ago Female
Japanese (Native) English French
A listing of the public translations that were written by this user. This listing does not include the requests that have yet to be completed.
cognac31 Japanese → French
Original Text


A 15個注文したが30個も届いた。
B 15個注文したが 0個。たぶん貴方がAと間違えた
C 1個足りない。
D 2個ともSaisons1 だけ。Saisons2 がない

E ケース割れが3個
F ケース内でCDが離脱してキズ。4個




Nous avons bien reçu les marchandises, mais,
nous avons constaté qu’il y a des erreurs de livraison et des marchandises endommagés.

Les erreurs de livraison
A Nous avons reçu 30 (trente) produits au lieu de 15 (quinze) que nous avons commandés.
B Nous n’avons reçu aucun alors que nous avons commandé 15 (vous avez peut-être confondu avec la commande de A)
C Il manque 1 (un) produit
D 2 (deux) seulement de Saison1, je ne trouve pas Saison 2.

Des marchandises endommagées
E Les 3(trois) boîtiers cassés
F A l’intérieur de boîtier, les 4 (quatre) CD sont détachés et endommagés.

A et B forment comme un seul produit, donc sans B, nous ne pouvons pas les vendre.
En conséquence, je vous prie de bien vouloir me rembourser la somme pour les marchandises endommagées.
Je souhaiterais aussi que les marchandises livrées par erreur soient remplacées.
Avez-vous une autre suggestion ?

Merci pour votre attenion.

cognac31 English → Japanese ★★★★☆ 4.0
Original Text

Hi Taku,

Glad to receive your reply.
According to your reply, there are more details need you to confirm as following.
The color you want is black made from charcoal, and the size is 2.54cm*1.1cm (2.54cm is height, 1.1cm is base diameter)? Actually, the photo you have enclosed we think it's more like black colored cone, not made from charcoal, what do you think?
What quantity you want to buy for the first order?
Do you have any requirements on the counting of each kg? Please advise.
For the freight, will need to know the quantity first, then can quote you accordingly.
Hope to get your reply soon, thank you.



あなたのご希望される色はチャコールでできた黒(黒炭)、そしてサイズは2.54cm*1.1cm (2.54cm は高さで 1.1cm はベース直径)でよろしいですか。あなたが同封された写真を拝見する限り、コーンブラックのようで、黒炭のようには見えないのですが、どう思われますか。

cognac31 English → Japanese ★★★★☆ 4.0
Original Text

Suicide in Children — What Every Parent Must Know
New research finds that suicide in children is triggered by more than sadness.
The death of a child is always heart breaking and horribly, horribly wrong. But when a child dies by suicide, it brings a whole different level of grief, pain, and anguished bewilderment to those who cared about the child.
Fortunately, suicide in children is very rare. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, less than 2 out of every one million children ages 5 to 11 will die by suicide. The rate among adolescents (ages 12-17) is about 52 per million. On average, about 33 children under 12 kill themselves each year in the US (Bridge et al., 2015).


幸いにして子供たちの自殺は稀である。病気の管理と予防センターによれば子供たちの自殺は、5歳から11歳までの100万人に二人より少ない率で起こっている。12歳から17歳までの少年たちの自殺率は百万人中52人である。米国では平均して毎年12歳未満の33人の子供たちが自殺をする。( 2015年 Bridge et al.)

cognac31 English → Japanese
Original Text

■Children’s understanding of suicide and death
Do kids even know what suicide is? Yes, they do—at a surprisingly young age. Brian Mishara interviewed 65 elementary school children (grades 1-5, ages 6-12), to see what they understand about death and suicide. Only one first grader (older than average for his grade) was familiar with the word “suicide,” but almost all knew what “killing oneself” meant.
By third grade, all but one child understood the word “suicide”—they’d talked about it with peers or seen it on TV or overheard adults talking about it. All of the kids who knew about killing oneself or suicide were also able to describe one or more ways of doing it.



cognac31 English → Japanese ★★★★☆ 4.0
Original Text

A new study by Arielle Sheftall at The Research Institute at Nationwide Children’s Hospital and her colleagues looked at national data on children (ages 5 to 11) and young adolescents (ages 12 to 14) who died from suicide between the years 2003 and 2012. They found some important similarities and differences comparing these two groups. Let’s look first at the similarities.
Both groups had significantly more boys than girls: 85% of the children and 70% of the young adolescents who died by suicide were male. The most common method of suicide was hanging/strangulation/suffocation (81% of the children and 64% of the young adolescents).



cognac31 English → Japanese
Original Text

English signages and English-speaking public. Everything is written in Japanese so tourists can only get so much with what they can read. When travelling, it's so hard to have deep cultural exchange, when the people can hardly give directions in English. Everything outside the airport is so incomprehensible to someone not speaking Japanese. Other countries are easier to navigate just because the people can speak English as their second language.

English language support is always lacking

Not enough is offered in English. Government services are confusing.
I really hope that other countries will have a dry, clean and a washlet toilet like Japan.





cognac31 English → Japanese
Original Text

Converswly, I hope that Japan will be a more friendly foreigner country.

I really hope that other countries will have a dry, clean and a washlet toilet like Japan. Converswly, I hope that Japan will be a more friendly foreigner country.

Japan has limited freedom of religion. Even local governments discriminate against religion by, for example, forbidding religious groups to use public facilities.

I japan here is lack of early child care system due that reason birth rate is low, it may be hamper to country economy in future.

inaka areas

The ability to do things like taxes, visa renewals and other paperwork online rather than in person.








cognac31 English → Japanese
Original Text

In general Japan's bureaucracy is oriented towards people who follow a standard Japanese life path, if you do things such as change jobs or locations often or live with roommates rather than family, paperwork can become very confusing and complicated, even if you understand Japanese.

rent is too high

Education system is archaic. Almost no catering for an international family. Roads are unbelievably bad, crowded, poorly designed and narrow (no footpath/telegraph posts in the road) and expensive. No care is taken to make city look attractive, the electric wires everywhere make it feel like you are living in a cage. People are officious rather than friendly.





cognac31 English → Japanese
Original Text

Japan is definitely lagging behind in terms of psychiatric care, emotional therapy, and marriage counseling. There seems to be a cultural taboo toward these, in my view, very important institutions. This stigma, and the deficit it causes, have personally impacted my life in Japan. I would also like a more passenger-friendly bus system. Local buses in the US offer a "transfer" or "time-sensitive" system whereby one must only pay a single one-time fare, and they can ride as many buses as they like for a certain amount of time. There is also a bicycle rack on the front of the bus. As far as I know, local bus systems in Japan lack these features.

information/leaflet in english



インフォメーション・小冊子 英語版

cognac31 English → Japanese
Original Text

Free wifi. No sim lock anymore....I never find sim lock phone in Asia except Japan. Really bad impression to foreigners and it is really out of date. Take out service of restaurant in Japanese is less


Accessible parks, and trees in more streets.

I think the business culture in Japan requires too many hours in the office. On work days, unless I go out with coworkers after work, I rarely have time for leisure activities.

Japanese like to go to Europe because of the open outside cafes and restaurants. I wish that was here too. I think their should be a new and bigger sports center in Tokyo with many facilities inside to use. Including a proper skate rink.


無料の wifi。シムロックはもうなし、日本以外のアジアでシムロック電話は見たことがない。外国人にはほんとうに印象悪いし、ほんとうに時代遅れです。日本で持ち帰りできるレストランも少ない。




cognac31 English → Japanese
Original Text

In my country (Philippines), the people are hospitable and friendly, you can always see people smiling at you even if they don't know you. We can also speak english to foreigners visiting our country. In my four years of living in japan, i see japanese people everyday but they are not smiling even if you smile at them, they alson don't greet you when you greet them. I would like to befriend them but they cannot speak and understand english so it is hard for both parties to be friend.

restaurants with childrens facilities. Japan is not children friendly. no smoking in bars reataurants

Hotels are bad and expensive Lack of flexibility

English speakers.

lack of service in my laungoues

Love japen








cognac31 English → Japanese
Original Text

Too much red tape involved with often mundane, everyday tasks; environmental initiatives lacking in basic areas (ie, individually wrapped bananas, cookies, etc.)

I wish there were more English-friendly facilities, such as banks and other Japanese businesses and government organizations.

It seems that there aren't enough Internet delivery services which offer English support. Amazon jp is very good though. I wish food delivery companies offered English support

I wish Japan had more fruit options available to eat and offered more vegetarian options and were more aware of people with food allergies.






cognac31 English → Japanese
Original Text

It is healthier because it is centered around walking and riding a bicycle. Also, the rent is cheaper compared to NYC.

Education for child.

the life in japan is very simple if we can understand the culture. The people are very helpful and kind

İ only Can say great

I like how organised Japan is, and how it is opening up to the rest of the world.

I can walk any time freely without any fear.

For a busy city, I have nice quiet parks and plenty of walk and cycle ways

People get angry if we try to look at your smartphone during work"

food is great, very low crime rate, good opportunity jobs

Women are easy.

I love going out and try new foods from around the world that gathering in Tokyo.

Working and house place












