chiakipenguin Translations

ID Unverified
About 13 years ago
Japanese (Native) English
A listing of the public translations that were written by this user. This listing does not include the requests that have yet to be completed.
chiakipenguin English → Japanese
Original Text

On the surface, Seoul looks and feels like a great place; it’s clean, well organized, has delicious food and great nightlife, addictive KPOP and good looking people. But below the surface, like every other country, Korea does have many social problems. One of the biggest problems is very high youth unemployment, which now stands at 8.3% for people below 30 years old. High youth unemployment is a result of a cycle that is hard to stop. Many graduates without jobs, create more competition for jobs, making young people frustrated and forcing them back into education which is getting more expensive, causing more stress because they can’t afford to pay it off, plus Korea is already an expensive country to live in.



chiakipenguin English → Japanese
Original Text

Another recent example is an enterprise called Cizion. Similar to Disqus, it is a social comments manager for blogs. At first I was confused how this could be a social enterprise but it became apparent. Since South Korea has such a strong entertainment industry, many people like to talk about celebrities like singers and actors. But some of this chatter is gossip and rumours which have a detrimental impact on the minds of celebrities who feel ashamed, leading some to even commit suicide. Therefore Cizion aims to filter out untrue comments, by creating a blacklist of commentors through Facebook or Twitter.


もう1つの最近の事例は、Cizion という企業だ。Disqus と同様、ブログのソーシャルコメントマネジャーである。初めは、どうやってこれが社会的な企業になりうるか分からなかったが、後に明らかになった。韓国には非常に強力な芸能界があり、多くの人が歌手や俳優といったセレブについて語りたがる。しかしこうしたおしゃべりのゴシップや噂話の中にはセレブの精神にとって有害なものもあり、それによってセレブは恥ずかしく思い、時には自殺に試みることにもなる。そのため、Cizion はFacebook や Twitter を通じてコメンテーターのブラックリストを作ることで、間違ったコメントを取り除くことを目指している。

chiakipenguin English → Japanese
Original Text

Businesses with projects can post a project, designers can apply to work on the project, and then the businesses can review and select the designers they want. Once selected, InnoCrowd will allocate Project Managers to oversee the completion of the project for a fee. InnoCrowd will charge per project and its size. Currently InnoCrowd is in the development phase and will launch in July in open beta. Co-founder and CEO, Sean Park leads a team of four and is aiming to secure government funding for arts and culture social enterprises. South Korea’s government wants to back such projects because they want their small to medium sized companies to be more internationally competitive and design competent.


プロジェクトがある企業はプロジェクトを投稿でき、デザイナーは案件に応募できる。そして企業はレビューし、欲しいデザイナーを選ぶ。いったん選ばれたら、InnoCrowd はプロジェクトマネジャーを配置し、手数料を取って、プロジェクトの完了を監督する。InnoCrowd は、プロジェクトごとにそのサイズによって課金する。現在、InnoCrowd は開発フェーズにあり、7月にオープンベータをローンチする。共同創業者兼CEOの Sean Park が4名のチームを率い、文芸領域の社会企業向けの政府資金の獲得を狙っている。韓国政府は、こうしたプロジェクトをバックアップしたいと考えている。なぜなら、政府は中小企業に、もっと国際競争力をつけデザイン能力を高めてほしいと考えているからだ。