bibliosch Translations

ID Unverified
Almost 12 years ago
Japanese (Native) German English
A listing of the public translations that were written by this user. This listing does not include the requests that have yet to be completed.
bibliosch English → Japanese
Original Text

Play an amazing 3D bowling game with many great features you are looking for.
It is a paradise for bowling. Everyone can play and enjoy it.
Eight unique, beautiful locations to play bowling

peaceful and relaxing
fresh and relaxing
exciting - ball rolling down a wavy path
quiet camping night
classic, luxury
high impact - ball can fly in the air
imaginary land
special light effects

Each location has its own atmosphere and gameplay to keep you playing for hours. You can play alone, with friends or family members.

Stunning, high resolution graphics and special effects
Realistic physics engine
Three player modes
Against CPU
Pass and play

10 beautiful pin sets to choose from. Player can select up to 10 sets, one for each frame







bibliosch English → Japanese
Original Text

I had two impression-that she was wrestling with guilt concerning past wrongs,acts both committed and avoided,and that she was afraid of death and judgment.In one interview,she suddenly appeared to confirm these impressions,which up to then had not been presented to her.She asked about privileged communication-that is,whether I would testify in a court of law against her if she were indicated for her past misdeeds,an unlikely event.Later in the hour she said,''I am worried about my granddaughter-that something dose not happen to her.''She did not explain but added,''I wonder if she will be able to face her final examinations and graduation day.''



bibliosch English → Japanese
Original Text

I told of an occasion in which I helped an old lady.''That's not enough .Take him away.''It was God judging me.I was very afraid and woke up.The interrelationship of awareness of impending death and recall of past inadequacies is shown in the following case history.A 70-year-old retired and widowed mother came from another city to visit her son and showed no inclination to return home.Six months later,the son,anxious about his depressed,irritable mother,brought her to me.She relcutantly accepted a psychotherapeuticrelationship:Frightened and guarded,overlysuspicious,she continually described her worthlessness;she considered herself so unworthy that she was not able to attend church.


わたしは、一人の老婦人を助けたときの出来事についてお話ししました。「それでは不十分だ。彼を連れて行け。」それはわたしを裁く神さまだったのです。わたしは大変な恐怖を覚え、そして目覚めました。≪ 差し迫った死の知覚と過去の欠陥の想起との相関関係は、次のケースの記録に見られる。≫ある70歳の、退職した未亡人である母親が、自分の息子を訪ねて別の町からやってきて、家に帰りたくないという態度を示した。六カ月後、気落ちして神経質になっている母親のことを心配した息子が、彼女をわたしのところへ連れてきた。彼女は、いやいやながらも心理療法の関係を受け入れた。恐れ、警戒し、過度に疑いながら、彼女は絶えず自分がいかに値打ちのないものかを語った。彼女は自分のことを、教会に出席することすらかなわないほど無価値だとみなしていたのである。

bibliosch English → Japanese
Original Text

The life review mechanism,as a possible response to the biological and psychological fact of death, may play a significant role in the psychology and psychopathology of the aged.The following dream,related by a 70-year-old-man,illustrates the awareness of approaching death:I dreamt that I had died and my soul was going up and when I did reach the top I saw a great,huge statue-or living man-sitting there,and then a second man came over tome and asked,''What do you want?''I answered,''I want to get in here.''So the big man said,''Let him in.''But then the second man asked,''What did you doin the other world?''I told him a great deal about myself and was asked,''What else?''



bibliosch English → Japanese ★★★★☆ 4.0
Original Text

Offered for auction is a vintage Tiffany & Co. Sterling Silver Calculator and Tiffany box. The calculator is a 1970's Sharp Elsi Mate EL-8019. It has four new batteries and it does work but the numbers are hard to see. They start out strong then fade a bit. Sterling case is heavy and signed "Tiffany Sterling". It's monogrammed J.P.K. Weight is 188g. From the looks of it I'd say there is more weight in silver than plastic and metal.
Measures 3.25" x 2.75" x 1/2" (8cm x 7cm x 2cm). Condition overall is very good but there are scratches and nicks on the sterling case. The calculator is missing one tiny screw on the key pad. The Tiffany box is in excellent condition.


この度のオークションへの出品は、ヴィンテージ・ティファニー(Tiffany & Co.)のスターリング・シルバー(純銀)製計算機、ティファニー・ボックス付。計算機は70年代のシャープ・エルシー・メイト/Sharp Elsi Mate EL-8019。新品の電池四つが入っています。動作に問題はありませんが、数字が見えにくくなっています。はじめははっきりと表示されるのですが、しばらく使用すると少しだけ薄れます。スターリング・ケースは重厚で、”ティファニー・スターリング(Tiffany Sterling)"の表示あり。J.P.K.の図案があります。重さは189㌘。見た目からもプラスチックや金属製とは異なる銀の重厚感があると思います。
大きさ 8cm x 7cm x 2cm (3.25" x 2.75" x 1/2")。状態は全体として良好ですが、スターリング・ケースに擦り傷や小さな切り傷があります。計算機のキーの小さなねじがひとつ欠けています。ティファニー・ボックスは申し分のない状態です。