Brittany Sweet (basweet) Translations

ID Unverified
Over 13 years ago
Oneonta, NY
Japanese English (Native)
A listing of the public translations that were written by this user. This listing does not include the requests that have yet to be completed.
basweet Japanese → English
Original Text





Warm your pelvis area and warm your entire body.
"The Pelvis Bather."
A gentle, body temperature warmth.

Correct your pelvis while dissolving the cold from your body.
Distortions of the pelvis are related to pain in the hips and legs,
as well as shape and weight, making it an area you should pay attention to.

When you sit in this warm water, a comfortable feeling, almost like going to a hot spring will envelope your entire body.
When you warm the area around your pelvis, your circulation increases, chill dissolve, and the temperature of your entire body rises.
With the dissolving of chills, all the stiffness that was bothering you will dissolve as well.
Feel the warmth envelope your pelvis and sacrum,
dissolving the chill and adjusting your pelvis.

basweet Japanese → English
Original Text

110 近視などで低下した視力を回復させるには眼の筋肉の緊張や疲労を解消するとともに眼の血流不足も解消する必要があります。


110 In order to regenerate eyesight for deteriorated eyes which are suffering from nearsightedness and other problems, it is necessary to increase circulation to the eyes and to reduce strain and fatigue of the eye muscles.
One method that the Honbe Clinic use to increase eyesight are eye-neck calisthenics,
which ease the stiffness of neck that is caused by distortions of the cervical vertebrae, thus increasing circulation to the eyes.
In addition, this product does not just use pinhole theory and calisthenics to increase blood flow to the eye muscles and ciliary bodies, ensuring that the eyes receive enough oxygen and nutrients. It also has the ability to stimulate the brain in order to increase creativity, a wonderful result indeed.