Victor (aspenx) Translations

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About 12 years ago Male
English (Native) Japanese Chinese (Simplified)
technology Business Travel
40 hours / week
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A listing of the public translations that were written by this user. This listing does not include the requests that have yet to be completed.
aspenx English → Japanese
Original Text

Hometown: Pakistan’s First E-Commerce Site Selling Handmade Products

Based in Pakistan, Hometown claims to be the first e-commerce site selling handmade leather products in the country. The startup was founded just slightly more than a month ago by Waqas Ali (who wrote a few articles for us last year), Sidra Qasim, and M Hussain. The startup has quite a story behind it.

The simple idea was inspired back in 2010 when Ali met Hussain who was running his small handmade shoes business back in his hometown. Like any traditional business, Hussain was making shoes for other businesses so Ali thought about the opportunity of selling these handmade shoes directly to online customers.


ホームタウン: パキスタン の手作り皮製物販売e コマースサイトパイオニアー

パキスタンに本部を置いていて、ホームタウンは国の手作り皮製物販売e コマースサイトパイオニアーと自称する。この新興企業は僅かな一月前、ワカス・アリ(昨年に記事をいくつ書いて頂いた)、シドュラ・カシムとエム・フッセンの力で、僅かな一月前始めた。新興には中々面白い裏話がある。
