顧客からクレームが来ました。この動画のようにAがグラグラしてます。各パーツのネジを締めなおしても直らないとのことです。当社在庫品には動画のような不具合がないです。原因不明で対処方法がわかりません。改善方法をお教えてください。返信ありがとう。今この注文をしました。しかし、20%offになるクーポンコードを使用するのを忘れました。今から、クレジットカードへの請求を$23.40 Discountできますか?出来ない場合は一度注文をキャンセルして再注文します。返信お待ちしております。
Customer has made a complaint.A is wobbling much like you see in the video.They report the wobbling does not go away even if they fasten all the screws.The items we have in stock do not have the defects shown on video.We don't know what's causing it and don't know what to do with it.Please tell us how to resolve the issue.Thank you for the reply.I've just made this order.However I've forgotten to use a 20% off coupon code.Can you make a $23.40 discount when you bill my credit card?If you can't I'd like to cancel the order so I can reorder properly.I'll be waiting for the reply.
あなたの提示する返品方法は非常に複雑な為、お互いのメリットが少ないと思います。私の提示する条件を受け入れて下されば、私はケースをクローズします。1)Windows 10DVD (HPのオリジナル、STARWARS EDITIONのもの)2)50ドルの返金是非、この提案をのんで下さるようお願いします。
Your proposed method of returning the items is extremely complex and I think it has little merit for both of us. I will close the case if you accept my conditions.1) Windows 10DVD (HP original, STARWARS EDITION)2) 50 dollars backI hope you will agree with my proposal.
今回のLG-1200は、60年代のオリジナルSharp Fiveにメーカーが48か所に及ぶグレードアップを施しております。音質、品質や演奏性の向上などにより評価が高い点と、当時の販売価格がオリジナルよりも高額となっている点などがオリジナルよりも高額な理由です。現在多数のお客様からbest oferを頂いております。すでに相当安くしていますので、ebayを通さないpaypalでの直接取引き(手数料を節約できるため)で送料込み1590ドルでしたらお受けいたします。
LG-1200 is an upgrade over the original 60s Sharp Five. The manufacturer has made 48 improvements.Quality of sound and materials are higher, it performs better and has a higher critical acclaim. This is also the reason for why its initial price was higher compared to original.We currently a lot of best offers from our customers.Our price is already low, so if you agree on direct paypal transaction (without ebay mediation to avoid extra charges), I can accept an offer of 1590 dollars, shipping included.
お知らせ時間指定予約についてのお詫びと今後の取組み(大阪MK・神戸MK)日頃よりMKタクシーをご愛顧いただき誠に有難うございます。 弊社ではこれまで事前に時間を指定してご予約を頂戴していた場合でも 時間を守り切れず、遅れや手配が出来ないケースを多数発生させてしまっておりました。 お客様に多大なるご迷惑をおかけしてきたことを深くお詫び申し上げます。
NoticeApology for time reservation, further actions (MK Osaka, MK Kobe)MK Taxi is sincerely grateful for your patronage.There have been multiple cases of our company not being able to service our customers at appointed time, delays and cancellations.We deeply apologize for terrible inconvenience we've caused our customers.
従来より、迅速・確実な配車を行うために車両数を増やし、 お客様の需要に応えるよう努力して参りましたが、 現在では国による台数規制のため、増車を行うことが認められない状態です。 そのため弊社といたしましては時間指定のご予約に関して 以下のとおり別途料金を頂戴するという苦渋の決断をいたしました。 これからは今まで以上に時間を守り、お客様利便性の確保に努めて参ります。 なお、お時間を指定いただかないご予約に関しましては、 従来どおり別途料金は頂戴いたしません。
We have tried to increase the number of cars so we can dispatch them more promptly and more reliably and thus meet the demands of our customers, but the country is presently limiting the number of cars and we're not authorized to expand.Due to that we have begrudgingly decided to apply the following extra charges for time-specific reservations.We are trying to be more punctual and ensure our customers' convenience.In case you make a reservation without specifying time, there will be no extra charge.
お客様には誠に申し訳ございませんが、 何卒ご理解いただきます様よろしくお願い申し上げます。・時間指定をされてない場合は、 従来どおり別途料金は頂戴いたしません・時間指定でご予約いただいた場合、 時間指定予約料金として別途500円頂戴いたします・ご注文いただいた日時に関わらず、 2015年12月1日午前0時以降の時間指定予約より 適用させていただきます。大阪エムケイ株式会社 神戸エムケイ株式会社 (2015.11.04)
We sincerely apologize to our customers, but humbly ask for their understanding.* In case time is not specified, customer will not be charged extra (as it is now).* In case customer wishes to make a time-specific reservation an additional fee of 500 yen applies.* This policy applies to all orders made after midnight of December 1st, 2015 regardless of when the reservation was made.Osaka MK Co.Kobe MK Co.(2015.11.04)
京都観光おもてなしコンシェルジュ【3/19】京都観光おもてなしコンシェルジュ 任命式東本願寺渉成園・ろう(門に良)風亭にて、京都市産業観光局MICE推進室による「京都観光おもてなしコンシェルジュ」及び「京都国際観光おもてなしコンシェルジュ」任命式が開催されました。「京都観光おもてなしコンシェルジュ」とは、2020年の東京五輪を見据えて、京都市が「おもてなし」の質を高めるため、観光に携わる人を対象に任命する制度。
Kyoto Tourism Hospitality ConciergeMarch 19th: Kyoto Tourism Hospitality Concierge - appointment ceremonyMICE, Kyoto bureau of industry and tourism, has held an appointment ceremony for "Kyoto Tourism Hospitality Concierge" AKA "Kyoto International Tourism Hospitality Concierge" at Roufutei, Shoujouen Park, Higashihonkanji Temple.The "Kyoto Tourism Hospitality Concierge" system employs people on a mission to make Kyoto a more "hospitable" city in preparation for the upcoming 2020 Tokyo Olympics.
People who become ""Kyoto Tourism Hospitality Concierges" are selected from Kyoto hotels, restaurants, taxi services, information desks and other tourist-oriented companies. They must (1) hold level 2 Kyoto Kentei certificate for at least 5 years, or (2) be recognized as "excellent tourism worker" by Kyoto City Tourism Association, or (3) be a "long-time excellent worker" of Kyoto Chamber of Commerce and Industry. They must also score at least 730 on TOEIC test or pass the level 1 STEP test.Appointed concierges are issued badges and stickers and they try to make their workplaces more hospitable towards tourists.
「京都観光おもてなしコンシェルジュ」総勢75名のうち、MKからは27名、「京都国際観光おもてなしコンシェルジュ」総勢4名のうち、MKからは2名が任命されました。今回は、交通・タクシー事業者だけではなく、宿泊施設、観光案内所、土産物店など様々な分野から選ばれましたが、当社からは1事業者としては最多の計29名も選ばれました。門川大作・京都市長による主催者挨拶の後、任命証が各代表者に交付され、「京都観光おもてなしコンシェルジュ」の代表者は弊社の四方(しかた) 大輔社員が務めました。
There are a total of 75 "Kyoto Tourism Hospitality Concierges" and 27 of those are from MK company. Also, 2 out of 4 "Kyoto International Tourism Hospitality Concierges" are from MK as well.We didn't select just taxi and traffic-related workers, we also selected people from hotels, tourist information desks, souvenir shops etc, but MK company is leading with 29 appointed people.After an organizator's speech from Mayor of Kyoto, Kadokawa Daisuke, representatives were given the licences. The representative of "Kyoto Tourism Hospitality Concierges" of our company is Shikata Daisuke.
I am very sory, the item is sold out.Would you like to order anyway?I will contact you as soon as it will be in stock.It is a very popular item, we may run out of stock very quickly again.The article is a set of 6.This food is very popular in Japan as well, and our items are especially tasty.We recommend warming them with hot water before eating.We ship directly from Hokkaido - part of Japan famous for lots of fresh fish.
I went to the bank today and amended the recipient's name in the 2 following documents.It might take a few days for the amendments to be processed by your bank.Please give it a little time.I'm sorry it took so long, the weekend got into way.
We would like to make a special offer if you reserve 3 months from April 1st to June 30th. Please consider it.(Sorry, but reserving April to July will be somewhat expensive)Price for April (one month): 130,000 yenPrice for May (one month): 130,000 yenPrice for June (one month): 120,000 yenGrand total (three months); 380,000 yenIn case you stay for a long time, your room will be cleaned once per week.Please think of the cleaning time and day of the week that would be most convenient for you.
Thank you for contacting me.The previous owner has originally tweaked the bridge of LH and replaced the nut to make it RH.If you replace the nut you should be able to perform for now.If you find nut replacement to be difficult, I can do it for 45 dollars, this price includes both work and materials.Guitars of this age are extremely valuable and barely even appear on the market.So please consider it.
We have 12 people on staff and have been doing business on ebay for 4 years.Our ebay rating has exceeded 6000.We have a shop in our country that sells a lot of goods.All our staff members have 2+ years of experience and together they do a professional job of responding to orders, packing products and shipping them.We haven't sold many products at Amazon yet, but we will all make efforts to react faster.We will continue politely responding to our customers, carefully packing and shipping our products.
We have a vast inventory. It is stored in our warehouse and managed by a computer.We understand, that when you shop through Amazon, you expect the items to be in stock and do not want to lose customers' trust.However this time we have listed products that were not in stock.
The reason for that is that we uploaded a Price & Quantity file that had a mistake in it. Because of that the items that we have run out of were listed as available in stock.We repent for our mistake. We have talked to all of our staff and reviewed our data file management procedures.We will do our best to make sure this doesn't happen again.We apologize for all the terrible inconvenience we've caused.We are very sorry.
ご返信ありがとう。やはり私はASIN B017T0Q9FS がHazamtとされるのは納得がいきません。この商品はB001VB4T86とB001ANVDMUと付箋のセットです。添付が示すようにB001VB4T86とB001ANVDMUはAmazon.comも販売しています。なぜAmazon.comはHazamtとされるものを販売しているのですか?これはシステムエラーだとしか思えません。理由を教えてください。
Thank you for the reply. I still can't agree with ASIN B017T0Q9FS being labeled as hazardous.This product is from the same set B001VB4T86 and B001ANVDMU are.And as you can see from attachment B001VB4T86 and B001ANVDMU are sold at Amazon.com.Why is Amazon.com selling hazardous goods?I think it must be a system error. Please explain the reason.
I have bought 4 of these items and received my order. However 3 of the items shipped to me have cracked cases. I was planning to use them as presents, but I can't give someone else an item in such condition. I would like half the money I paid for the items back. I'm waiting for your reply.
Greetings.I live in Japan.American logistics company have delivered your boots to me today.After looking at them I found out they are both left.Take a look at the attached picture.Since they are not usable, they will have to be returned or refunded ($98.15).Please answer.If you do not contact me, I will contact paypal directly.* I am returning the goods, please tell me your address.
I am very happy to receive a mail from a famous cutlery producing part of Germany.I do not have a shop and mostly do business online.I am currently thinking about starting a new business.Please ask by mail at any time if you have questions about Japanese market.I hope we can contribute to each other businesses.-I am really sorry to ask, but could you recall the claim from Paypal?I will not be able to use Paypal until the issue is resolved.Best regards.