alice_33 (alice_33) Translations

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A listing of the public translations that were written by this user. This listing does not include the requests that have yet to be completed.
alice_33 Japanese → English
Original Text





② The nurse felt worried when the hair roots which had fallen on the floor were planted without being disinfected. From the very first, it should be disinfected before planting to prevent infectious diseases.

Regarding ①and ② above, not only doctors but all Japanese medical workers should feel the same anxiety.

■ Questions about nurses' treatment
③ After all the treatments were completed, the nurse pressed the transplant site with a finger to stop bleeding. At the end, sometimes the hair roots floated up and fell off after the blood had dried. Because the transplanted part has venous bleeding and can stop bleeding if left alone, it is doubtful that hemostasis was performed after surgery even at the risk of hair root shedding.